Hylocereus undatus
Dragon Fruit Cactus
Late Autumn 2019
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Late Autumn 2019
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Late Autumn 2019
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Late Autumn 2019
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Hylocereus undatus
Late Autumn 2019
Late Autumn 2019

Did these little guys get too much #water in the #rain or is the #newgrowth supposed to be that color!? What can I do to save them if they did get too much? 🔴 #Help #advice please!! 🔴 I really want this #DragonFruit #cactus to do well 💚🌵 #plant #plants #cacti #succulent #succulents

@cyndi thank you for the tag. Super useful! I just remembered I have a photo further down my page, from about a week ago, to compare, from when I first got it from the nursery.

Thank you @cyndi !! The rain got to it. Greenhouse isn't coming until Monday. It'll be raining all week, so I'll be setting it up in the rain. I have a temporary solution now that I was able to set up in-between rains. Do you think there is any way to prevent root rot without repotting it or should I not worry about it, yet?

Yes @cyndi !! I just finished putting tarps up over all of my plants. Thank you for the advice!! 💚
Late Autumn 2019

Another photo of the #DragonFruit #cactus 🌵 This time, of the base, #roots and #NewGrowth Is this #healthy , or are the roots something to worry about? Never worked with dragon fruit #plant and really want to make sure I do it right #apartmentgarden #apartmentgardening #succulent

I know it's dragon fruit, but I could use a #plantid for if the roots and browning on the actual plant are okay.

#earthtosarah 11·24·19

Awesome!! Thank you @cyndi !! My boyfriend and I were debating on the roots 😂 I'll let him know.
Late Autumn 2019

It was too dark last night to take photos and technically too bright today (it's my party, I can sleep in if I wanna 😆🎂) but I got the pictures anyway. Here's my first #birthday gift from the #nursery from my bf. A #dragonfruit #cactus I always wanted one! It was the only one. It was tucked away. It's a miracle I found it! Hopefully he will be fruitful! I should name him! Picture of the 2nd #plant, #RescuePlant and #cuttings / #clones #plants to come #apartmentgarden #apartmentgardening
#Upclose shot of my #dragonfruit #cactus Either from the #rain or #greenhouse, but it's growing little #roots everywhere They are even coming out of the #soil It only has a 2 arms, but is it preparing for cuttings or are they #grow ing for some other reason? I was told other roots weren't bad. Is it still a good thing? It's a little overwatered because of the #rain It was covered after 1 day and put in the greenhouse 2 days later. It seems to like it. #container #succulents #grow #patiogarden
🔴 #HELP #ADVICE #SUCCULENTADVICE 🔴 Want to do this right 🤞 #earthtosarah 12·03·19
Here's a link, good luck. https://www.gardenloversclub.com/ornamental/cacti-succulents/dragon-fruit/dragon-fruit-plant-care/
Thank you @lesliecole49 !!
They are epiphytes. Those arial roots are looking for something to attach to.
Nice! I've got one just starting up, keep us posted! . This is kinda my favorite YouTube botany dude talking about the plant. https://youtu.be/YsTXGYNFxhs
Thank you @Sussanah !! Much appreciated!! 👍
Thanks for the video @romansocks !! Roots are literally growing out of the soil towards the sky. I'll keep posting updates!!
Sincere apologies if you absolutely hate his voice - I was raised on the old NPR Car Talk, so it has nostalgic hooks in mah brain >_< his botany is good tho!
I haven't started watching it, but what matters is the quality @romansocks 👌
I do plan on watching him.