Kniphofia 'Nobilis' syn. Kniphofia uvaria 'Nobilis', Kniphofia uvaria var. nobilis
Red Hot Poker 'Nobilis'
Early Spring 2016
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Kniphofia 'Nobilis' syn. Kniphofia uvaria 'Nobilis', Kniphofia uvaria var. nobilis
Early Spring 2016
Help me identify this plant. I found it in a restaurant parking lot and thought it was beautiful, but I don't have any clue what it is. #flower #plantID
I think it's red hot poker or torch lily I've heard too-not sure of botanical name. My sister gets quite a few Hummingbirds visiting these plants.
@riakat I don't think it's a lily because the weather gets to about 110°F here. Might be to hot for lilies. Red hot poker sounds right. Thank you! Such a beautiful flower!! Thank you for introducing me to them!
It is a lily. Sorry about that. Thank you! It's beautiful!
#plantID #Kniphofia Also called red hot poker or torch lily.
Yep, definitely agree with @riakat , it's a red hot poker 👍🏼😀 otherwise known as kniphofia
@sarahkbartley no problem-I'm always amazed at how many different names plants can have! Now you need to go out and buy some red hot pokers (I'm such a plant enabler!)😉