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Profile Image Sarah Pence


Amateur succulent hoarder, fern fancier, nursing student, doggy mama, Cali native (NorCal/San Francisco Bay Area/ South Bay/ Silicon Valley/ Zone 9b)

Plant Name Opuntia violacea var. macrocentra


Black-Spine Prickly Pear

  • Season Icon Late SpringLate Spring 2020
  • 5
  • 1
plant image 1590125
plant image 1590119
plant image 1590116
plant image 1572139
plant image 1475146
plant image 1323965
plant image 1590125
plant image 1590119
plant image 1590116
plant image 1572139
plant image 1475146
plant image 1323965

Opuntia violacea var. macrocentra

  • Season Icon Late SpringLate Spring 2020
  • Like Count 5

Thought I posted this one already but I guess not.... I call this one “a$$ hole cactus no. 3” it stabbed me more times than I’m willing to admit even with my normal cacti planting gear. Im also not sure the exact variety- all suggestions welcomed!! #cactus-id #pricklypear #guessingonvariety #cacti-id #plantid-opuntia
