I got plant mail yesterday! I got 5 new plants in a plant swap, including this blooming goldfish plant! It was packaged with such care, only one bloom was lost. Aside from this I got a huge Pencil Cactus, a tiny Mistletoe Cactus, a bushy Watch Chain, and a Huernia cutting. It was like Christmas unwrapping everything. Can't wait for her to get what I'm sending! I hope she's just as happy as I am. #plantswap #plantmail #goldfishplant #columneagloriosa #blooming #houseplant #plantmailisthebestmail
I've sent and received seeds, cuttings, and full plants! When I send cuttings I wrap the roots in a damp(not soaking) paper towel. Then I wrap that with plastic cling wrap and use tape to keep it secure. I then wrap the entire cutting in tissue paper and pack it into a box it will fit in without being bent too much or broken. I use lots of padding underneath and on top of the cutting. Frequently I end up using crumpled up paper towels. This method hasn't failed me yet. They arrive safely.🌱
I got plant mail yesterday! I got 5 new plants in a plant swap, including this blooming goldfish plant! It was packaged with such care, only one bloom was lost. Aside from this I got a huge Pencil Cactus, a tiny Mistletoe Cactus, a bushy Watch Chain, and a Huernia cutting. It was like Christmas unwrapping everything. Can't wait for her to get what I'm sending! I hope she's just as happy as I am. #plantswap #plantmail #goldfishplant #columneagloriosa #blooming #houseplant #plantmailisthebestmail
So jealous 😍
I cant get one of these going at all.
@yogi2 No worries. This is my second Goldfish Plant. 😂
@savannahssucculentgarden these things gets the spider mites on them.
How do you do a plant swap?
@Racheltheredhead I've mostly swapped plants through the mail. This one was sent to me that way. 💌
By seed or cutting? If cutting how did they package it?
I've sent and received seeds, cuttings, and full plants! When I send cuttings I wrap the roots in a damp(not soaking) paper towel. Then I wrap that with plastic cling wrap and use tape to keep it secure. I then wrap the entire cutting in tissue paper and pack it into a box it will fit in without being bent too much or broken. I use lots of padding underneath and on top of the cutting. Frequently I end up using crumpled up paper towels. This method hasn't failed me yet. They arrive safely.🌱