Cryptanthus Bivittatus
Pink Earth Star
Late Autumn 2020
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Early Winter 2020
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Late Summer 2019
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Cryptanthus Bivittatus
Late Autumn 2020
Early Winter 2020

Day 5: Who is she?? Her name is Huberta, and she is a Pink Earth Star. She has 2 pups. I don't know when to remove them so I'm just letting them chill with mom for now. #letsgrowin2020 #letsgrowtogether #cryptanthus #cryptanthus-bivittatus #pinkearthstar #pups #whoisshe #houseplant

She's fabulous!! Love her color!! I had a science teacher named Mrs. Huberta. You don't see the name that often, so I appreciate the unique name choice as well 🥰

@sarahkbartley My great grandmother's name was Myrtle Huberta. I have a Purple Passion Plant named Myrtle. I appreciate uncommon names too. ☺️

Just looked them Purple Passion Plant and they are beautiful!! 😍💜💚 I think uncommon names are particularly beautiful, as well 🥰
Late Summer 2019

She doesn't seem to want much from me, but enjoys where I placed her. She gets plenty of sun. #pinkearthstar #cryptanthus-bivittatus #cryptanthus #pink

Love the colours

@kylers Thank you! I couldn't resist them at the store.

Such a pretty plant!
As seen in her last picture, Huberta faded a lot in my northern window. She wasn't even pink anymore. I actually removed her pups before putting her outside in the greenhouse. Here she is, good as new! Very pink and pup-pregnant again. Side note: I am having the darndest time trying to root those pups. They've been in soil for months, and they fall out if you hold their pots at an angle. They're not dead though either. I might pop them in some water. #cryptanthus #pinkearthstar #pink-earth-star
I've noticed the same thing with mine. Falls out, but not dead. 🤔
@MichelleCrosby Do you still want this plant? I have pups potted up.