Pachira aquatica
Money Tree Plant
- Early Spring 2020
- 22
- 1
- Early Winter 2020
- 20
- 3
- Early Winter 2020
- 20
- 3
Pachira aquatica
- Early Spring 2020
- 22
- Early Winter 2020
- 20
One more question about my new money tree. It has 2 damaged stems. They are bent but not broken off. Should I go ahead and cut these where it is bent or leave them? #moneytree #pachiraaquatica #advice
I would leave them, makes your plant more unique. If you feel the need, remove them later when new leaves have formed on top and the damaged ones are at the bottom.😊
U could try to support them somehow. Me? I would chop it. But that's just me
- Early Winter 2020
- 20
My dad surprised me with this money tree today. He's never picked out a plant for me, and he did a great job. I love it! I have a money, but not one with a braided trunk, so it was still a need. The tag says to give it 2 ice cubes per week for water. Is that an accurate care tip? #moneytree #pachiraaquatica #braided #newplant #gift
I dont agree with watering anything with ice cubes. I mean they say not to use cold water on plants so ice seems really bad. I think watering till it runs out the bottom when its almost dry is better care tip. I dont have to water mine all that often I have one with a thick short trunk and a braided one I un braided because I dont like the constraint. I like it to be free I did however lose 2 stems tho but its growing well now
I thought the same thing. If you shouldn't use cold water, why would you ever use ice? Thanks for the feedback.😊 @heatherdirtyhands
Day 3: Green Your Feed. It was hard to decide what to post. So many choices! Here's my money tree, Carl. #aprilplantchallenge #greenyourfeed #moneytree #pachiraaquatica #houseplant