Pachira aquatica
Late Summer 2016
Mid Summer 2016

Pachira 1.75GAL//Unnamed//Bought today (4 August 2016) at Lowe's// Brainstorming a name to call this guy. I love how he has an asymmetrical situation with the leaves🍃 #Pachira

@rainygirl70 I really enjoyed reading this narrative about "Louie" and all his character you gave him!!! 😂😊🙂

@blocherr looks like a "Larry" to me, lol

@blocherr it's kinda looks like mine I always thought of a money tree

@blueheart thanks! I like Larry and Louie! Or efren (name of the guy at Lowe's who helped me load him into my car)

@blasome isn't a pachira a money tree?

I learn something new today

Never new the money tree by its correct name

Pachira aquatica

Thank you! !! !!

@blasome I learned something new too! Pachira aquatic🙂

Smiling. .......
Hi, I'm Larry☀️🌴 //5 September 2016 #myhouseplant #paint #pots #diy
@blueheart We decided to name him Larry because both of my mans bosses are named Larry and they are sort of a "money tree" to him 🌴🤑heehee
Woah, is that really a BRAIDED trunk?!?! or some kind of optical illusion..? 😄 lol
@blocherr I love it! The blue ribbon is nice too.
@aes239 braided🙂
@blueheart the blue ribbon was on when I bought it I think it helps support the upright growth of the trunk?! I have a smaller one and it was also sold with a ribbon for its trunk. 🤔
@blocherr hey...its blue...thats good enough for me. Lol
Love the paintings!😊 I have found thst the ribbon is on them like u do a vine,it's to help with the twisting of the plant,so it can be formed.💖love it!!
@Acetaker thanks! If you're comfortable with it, do you mind sending me a text message so we can talk about the coffee planter I'm painting for you? My cell is (602) 214-3453
I don't mind a bit😊 ttys!