Pachira aquatica
Money Tree Plant
Late Summer 2016
- 6
Mid Summer 2016
- 18
Early Summer 2016
- 11
Early Summer 2016
- 1
Early Summer 2016
- 1

Pachira aquatica
Late Summer 2016
Mid Summer 2016

Leaves are still struggling from when I rubbed them with coconut oil. Should I prune the leaves that have turned yellow? Photo taken 26 July 2016 //Unnamed Pachira//Money Tree

@alovealoe What do you think of this guy? Clip the leaves that are yellowing and have round looking burns on them?! Think it can bounce back to how it was before I hurt it with the coconut oil?

I don't have experience with this species. To me it looks okay so I'd leave it and see how it does. Try reddit /r/indoorplants or gardening for advice. They have more experience with more plants than me and respond fairly quickly.

@alovealoe Okay I will! Thank you!! You're always so knowledgable and I appreciate it!😊

@blocherr I grow mine outside but have found that once the leaves turn they don't come back BUT in winter some of mine lose all their leaves and bounce back so it's not so bad. I usually wait until they are dry enough to easily come away when you pull gently.

@KathyB Okay thank you! I hope this one will bounce back! I'm thinking about clipping the bad ones when I get home. 😬

@blocherr can I ask... Do they flower and fruit for you inside?

@KathyB I live in Phoenix, AZ and I don't have any shaded areas to even put it outside so I don't think outside is an option for me.☀️🔥

@KathyB I just bought it in June, last month. When I bought it, it was green and full of beautiful leaves until I messed everything up using the coconut oil. 😔😕

@blocherr I hear that!! :) Not too much shade round here in summer either. We just do our best right? 😉

@blocherr They naturally grow in swamps (according to Mr Wiki) and respond really well to a good drink and liquid feed. Might help her recover?

@KathyB Yeah I'll try outside tomorrow. I'm attached so I need it to work out lol 🙂
Early Summer 2016

Is there anything I can do to save this guy. I rubbed coconut oil on him a few days ago and now leaves look like they're dying.

I think these freak out if they are overwatered. Have you tried mixing some perlite in? I would make sure it is draining well and would lose any pebbles that may be at the bottom of the pot. Migjt just mix those in I guess.

Oops might

@artygirl thanks for your comments. I'm not worried about overwatering it. I rubbed coconut oil over both sides of all the leaves and that's why it's looking the way it is. I'm not going to put coconut oil on it ever again. I've tried wiping the leaves with just a damp towel of water to get the coconut oil off but it's pretty absorbed. Any advice for recovering the leaves?

I think having it on the top of the leaves is totally fine. I might try 3 teaspoons of lemon dish soap in a spray bottle of WARM water for the underaud

I think having it on the top of the leaves is totally fine. I might try 3 teaspoons of lemon dish soap in a spray bottle of WARM water for the underaud


I think using cold water to treat or clean tropical plant leaves actually causes problems.

@artygirl I always have used room temperature water on a lint free cloth to wipe/clean both sides of leaves to get dust off them and they were fine. This was the first time I used the coconut oil on this plant and I know now not to block their stomata and won't do it again. Thank you for all the help!! I've only been a plant grower for about 8 months and appreciate your advice.🙂

I am really sort of bad at indoor plants! Am fighting with an orchid at the moment!

@artygirl good luck with your orchid!
Early Summer 2016

11 July 2016 photo taken. Leaves are becoming transparent looking and have yellow spots on them (I rubbed coconut oil on them a few days ago- bad idea)
Early Summer 2016

Pachira//Photo taken 8 July 2016. Wiped leaves front and back with coconut oil on 7 July 2016. Watered 6 July 2016.
Hi, I'm Pocahontis//5 September 2016//Still recovering from an unfortunate event (coconut oil) #myhouseplant #paint #pots #diy
@gjones I know I'm so happy. It has some new growth and I couldn't be more proud. 🙂
Coconut oil?
@blackorby yes if you look at my previous photos of this plant you can see how it was when I first did it.. Early July 2016. It basically was a death sentence, but I didn't know any better. Pocahontis is a survivor though so fingers crossed. 🙂
Oooooh ya. . . . has come a long way! It loves you!
@blackorby I love to be loved😂🌴♥️