x Pachyveria Clavifolia
Mid Spring 2020
Late Summer 2019

This is the last plant from my small haul the other day. I'm not sure if this id is correct. It was labeled Pachyveria 'Belle Blue'. #succulentsunday #pachyveria #belleblue #succulent #succulents

I had one of these that a friend gave me but it started dropping it “leaves”? Not sure what to call them! But I took the ones that fell off and stuck them in another pot and they are growing! I lost the original plant but hoping to do better with its off springs!

@elburro65 I call them leaves too. I'm glad you were able to save part of it! I haven't had this one very long, so we'll see if I can hack it. 😅 I lost a couple leaves when I repotted yesterday.

🌿perfect succulove right there! ✨ check out minimalist planters based on the platonic solids handmade out of artisan concrete, instagram: @sacredsolids • www.sacredsolids.com
Day 25: Succulent Saturday. My Pachyveria 'Belle Blue' is sending out babies! #aprilplantchallenge #succulentsaturday #pachyveria #succulentpups #succulent #houseplant
Ohh my fav blue 😀💙💙