Begonia Maculata
Late Winter 2020
Early Winter 2019

31.12.18 - Here goes attempt no. 2 at this plant. Am not taking any chances this time. It’s sitting in a aerated corner of my balcony for the next 3 weeks until it acclimatises. 🤞🏼🤞🏼

#apartmentgardening #apartmentgarden #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #indoorplant #indoorplants #balconygarden #balconygardening #plantgang #foilagelove #polkadotbegonia #BegoniaMaculataWightii

Good luck!🍀

Thanks Kim :) hey did the seeds arrive yet? @kimguy

No I haven't received anything yet. Mail has been a bit slow.

Oh dear. Well, let me know if they’re still missing mid Feb and I’ll see if I can send more across (I have a couple of seed pods; not much but I’ll see what I can muster) @kimguy

I will. We've had some crazy mail deliveries lately so I'll keep my eye out!😎💜
23.02.20 - Been meaning to propagate my #begoniamaculata, but wanted to be sure that it was stable enough to do so. It's been growing sideways for quite a while so I cut that wayward bit off, popped it into water and staked the rest. Here's what it looks like after its shave. Will update more soon!
#apartmentgardening #apartmentgarden #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #indoorplant #indoorplants #balconygarden #balconygardening #plantgang #foilagelove #begoniapropagation #begoniamaculatapropagation #stemcutting #waterpropagation
@cyndi 😘😘😘