Citrus x meyeri
Early Spring 2016
Early Spring 2016

Hello Sharron 👋 Thank you for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏

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Well done I can't get these to grow x

Great. Ive got two on mine that have been green for a year.

Very easy . Kept in conservatory in full sun and feed once a week . Flowers smell Devine .

Do u feed your lemon tree weekly ? I use Richard Jacksons plant food and have lemons all year round .
Would like to get one, are they easy to look after?
I find they are . Kept in conservatory in full sun feed regularly and they have really taken off .
#Advice_lemon #lemon #conservatory
Lemons don't like the cold at all @titchyfra !!
In winter lemon tree have to be kept cool and my conservatory has no heat so it's pretty cold in their in fact freezing as was going to move into the house . Then I saw on a gardening programs that u must not move them into the warmth . And they have been fine . Now thriving with so many flowers which is the fruit.
They just can't be kept outside in winter . U can keep in a greenhouse where cool or in conservatory .
And in winter only water once a month .. Hope this helps
Thank you @shazzey didn't realise you shouldn't bring into warmth, will try to make room in grenhouse