Echeveria Runyonii var. Topsy Turvy
Echeveria 'Runyonii Topsy Turvy'
Mid Summer 2019
- 2
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 6
Mid Summer 2018
- 2

Echeveria Runyonii var. Topsy Turvy
Mid Summer 2019
Late Spring 2019

#echeveria #topsy-turvy #indoorgrowlights #summeriscoming #succulentsunday
Late Spring 2019

#echeveria #topsyturvy #insidegrowlights #succulentsunday #summeriscoming
Late Summer 2018

#echeveria #echeveria-topsyturvy #succulentsunday
Late Summer 2018

Trying to work on getting this little babe looking healthier! 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ any tips?! #echeveria-topsyturvy

Remove the dead/dying leaves. How much light is it getting, how often do you water and what kind of compost is it in?

@Soph1e it is outside all day when the weather permits so lately it is getting quite a bit of sun. I do have grow lights so when I bring it inside I am able to give it enough light if need be also! It is in well draining soil- cacti soil with perlite. If I remember correctly it looked slightly this way when I brought it home also but hasn’t gotten better. I have tugged on the dying leaves but they aren’t just breaking off easily, how do I go about removing them? Cut them?

@Sheila30 hi! Thanks for following me. if it’s out in the sun, I would get rid of the top dressing (those pebbles you’ve placed on the soil to make it look so pretty). If you can’t pull the dying leaves, wait til the plant has absorbed all the water and nutrients from them first then when it’s crispy, pull them off. You seem to be having quite healthy new growth so the dying ones are old leaves.

@veepaisal thank you! I did end up pulling off 2 of the dying leaves, of course now it looks a little funny bc it’s uneven with the leaves 🤷🏼‍♀️ but hopefully new ones will grow ? 😬😊

@Sheila30 you’re welcome! new leaves will def grow but not where the old leaves were pulled from.
#echeveria #topsy-turvy
Beautiful 💕