Brugmansia 'Sunray'
Angel's Trumpet 'Sunray'
Late Summer 2022
- 6
Early Autumn 2021
- 21
Mid Autumn 2020
- 19
Late Summer 2020
- 14
Mid Summer 2020
- 20
Mid Summer 2020
- 8
Mid Summer 2020
- 6
Late Summer 2019
- 25
Late Summer 2019
- 6
Late Summer 2019
- 13
Mid Summer 2019
- 9
Mid Summer 2019
- 33
Early Autumn 2018
- 46
Early Autumn 2018
- 6
Late Summer 2018
- 29
Late Summer 2018
- 14
Late Summer 2018
- 32
Late Summer 2018
- 16
Mid Summer 2018
- 12
Mid Summer 2018
- 7
Early Summer 2018
- 11
Early Summer 2018
- 11
Late Spring 2018
- 19
Mid Winter 2018
- 40
Early Autumn 2017
- 2
Early Autumn 2017
- 10
Early Autumn 2017
- 10
Late Summer 2017
- 5
Late Summer 2017
- 7
Late Summer 2017
- 5
Late Summer 2017
- 10
Mid Summer 2017
- 7
Mid Summer 2017
- 6
Mid Summer 2017
- 6
Mid Summer 2017
- 11
Mid Summer 2017
- 12
Mid Summer 2017
- 4
Early Summer 2017
- 10
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 11
Early Summer 2017
- 6
Early Summer 2017
- 3

Brugmansia 'Sunray'
Late Summer 2022
Early Autumn 2021

#brug #brugmansia #sunray #lateblooming wowzers! #bestofoctober Oct 7 and it still looks like this! It's got to come inside very soon!

How will u bring that tall thing inside for the winter time.

It still looks amazing 😊


@kelsey92 we will cut it back to at least half the size and we keep it in the garage not inside the house 💘😍

Thats good. It dont freeze in the garage at all.

@columbiariver thanks! It just doesn't want to stop!💘😍

@hkyfvr thank you so much Diane!💘😍

@novicegardenlover thanks very much Susan!💘😍

Very welcome Shelley 😊

Wowzers indeed. It’s fabulous 😍😍😍

Fantastic Shelley 😍
Mid Autumn 2020

#favorite #angelstrumpet #brugmansia #brug #yellow #largeflowers #scented ok so who doesn't love a sweet smelling brug!?

@cyndi it is!💘😍

Lovely yellow. Had them years ago. May try again 💛💛

@thanks Diane! I'm actually cutting back!🤣 I've had as many as 8 at one time, becoming to much work so we only have three now💘😍

Oh wow ..look at that 💛💛💛

So Gorgeous!! 🤩🤩 I want one of these!

W😍W, that's a winner 👍 @ShelleySnyder

@juliesgarden thanks Julie!💘😍

@suzieshadow1227gmailcom thank you!💘😍

@crabby58 thanks! As it turns out it is a winner!💘😍

Congratulations 👍 @ShelleySnyder

@crabby58 thank you so much!💘😍
Late Summer 2020

#angelstrumpet #brug #brugmansia #sunray #yellow #largeflower #bestofseptemeber #sweetsmell not sure you can tell but this was taken today in all the smoke!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones thank you Katy! It's the last hurrah!💘😍

That’s beautiful Shelley🤗

Thats fantastic 💛

Absolutly beautiful 💛💛💛

@godfreye thanks very much Enid!💘😍

@hebelover thank you Jason!💘😍

@london148 thank you so much Debra!💘😍

That beauty is a welcome distraction I’m sure! Stunning 💛💛💛

@kez001uk thanks so much Kerry!💘😍

@dirtgirlworld thanks so much Maggie and Hanna!💘😍
Mid Summer 2020

#brug #brugmansia #angelstrumpet #sunray #yellow #heavenscent this year this is a couple of feet taller than usual, don't know why, who cares as long as it blooms!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi thanks hun!💘😍

Love your tropical area 😘 What a beauty that is!

@jmlincoln thanks Jackie!I do look tropicals!💘😍

@columbiariver it really is Laura, Gary can't reach the flowers this year! Glad yours are coming along!💘😍

Mine are a little sluggish this year but I see a bud on one

@lesliecole49 anything is better than nuttin!💘😍

Looks wonderful Shelly. 🤩

So pretty Shelley 👌😮

Thats a beauty 💛💛💛

@philstalder thanks so much Phi! One of my favorites this time of the year!💘😍
Mid Summer 2020

#lookingup #brug #brugmansia #sunray #yellow #heavenscent the party has started!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi so sorry!💘😍

@cyndi 🤞🤞💘😍

@columbiariver thanks neighbs!💘😍

@gjones thank you Katy!💘😍

They look like petunias from that angle! Lol

@lesliecole49 🤣 giant petunias!💘😍
Mid Summer 2020

#brug #angelstrumpet #blooms let's get this party started!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@columbiariver yay!! For sure!💘😍

@gjones nope not long!💘😍

It’s going to be amazing again 💛💛💛

@pelly I'm sure hoping so!💘😍
Late Summer 2019

#angelstrumpet #nightscentedjasimine #scentfromheaven between these two giants the scent is overwhelming! For some it might actually be to much but for me I can't get enough!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones it does!💘😍

So many flowers - wow!

Your garden is so amazing Shelley. 😍

Wowzers I wouldn't mind sitting near that view 😍🎆

It’s magnificent Shelley 💛💛💛

Wow how do you manage to get so many flowers 💛💛👏👏👏👏👏

Absolutely wonderful Shelley 💛💛💛

Beautiful brug Shelley 😍😍

Incredible 💛 done you proud this year 💛

@cyndi thanks hun!💘😍
Late Summer 2019

#angelstrumpet #brug #brugmansia #brugclub #yellow #lastharrah I'm sure this is the last big show!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy! Every year no fail!💘😍

There's no fairies yet but I now have a resident brown bunny!💘😍

Stunning 💛💛

@hayleyaj thank you!💘😍
Late Summer 2019

#angelstrumpet #sunray #brug #brugmansia #yellow #lastharrah I'm thinking this May be the last blooms for sun rays this summer 😭

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Lots there to enjoy though! 💛

@rachelbrooks Yes there is!💘😍

Just fabulous 💛💛💛

Fantastic specimen 👌

Gorgeous! 😇 🎺😁

@gjones there is a few flowers on there!😂💘😍

@Keely that's sweet of you to say Keely!💘😍

@jeatacake thank you very much Jeff!💘😍

@hayleyaj thanks!💘😍

Most welcome Shelley 👍💕
Mid Summer 2019

#angelstrumpet #sunray somebody is eating good in the neighborhood!😳 Thank goodness it's the only one!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Yep, someone has quite an appetite.

@novicegardenlover yep! Chomp chomp!🤦💘😍

Oh no, I hope what ever it was has gone now 😟😟

@pelly whatever does that only does it now and again and I have no idea what it is! I do have earwigs on my brugs which I have never been able to get rid of, but they do minimal damage (if that's what it is 🤷) so I have stopped trying to find out what or even get rid of them 🤦💘😍

How dare they 😱

@suerichards the nerve!!💘😍

@columbiariver 🤣 it happens!💘😍
Mid Summer 2019

#myviewshelleysnyder #brug #angelstrumpet #yellow #brugclub @pauline33 here we go again! Every year they faithfully strut thier stuff! I can always count on them to be jaw dropping 😉

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Just can't get enough of these 💛💛💛

The whole area is amazing. Those top it off. Sooo pretty Shelley😊💕

Wow!!! 💛

@jeatacake I'm with you!💘😍

@terrimclaughlin thanks so much!💘😍

@dan5584 thanks! There will be more to come!💘😍

@columbiariver thanks! The scent is fabulous but as you know the evening jasmine is even stronger!💘😍

Oh wow 😲 garden envy 🥰

@lovemygarden65 whaaaaat!! I'm envious of yours!💘😍

This is a new plant to me, but I’m starting to live it. Do you start it by seed or buy plants? It’s lovely.
Early Autumn 2018

#bestofoctober #brugmansia #angelstrumpet #yellow I thought the last post of this was going to be the last one! Apparently he's decided to show off again! The good thing about this time of the year is that the blooms stay on longer especially during cloudy rainy days, woohoo!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Just beautiful Shelley 😍

@jaynehynesburton Thank you so much Jayne!💘😍

Wow that just looks beautiful your brug is amazing 😍💛

Stunning Shelley 😍😍

Oh wow! Absolutely gorgeous Shelley 💕💕💕💕

Utterly gorgeous! 😍

Fabulous candelabra of angels trumpets x x x

SPECTACULAR, partner!👀😍💖

Wow that looks Amazing Shelley @ShelleySnyder Absolutely Stunning, Love it 😍😘

@Keely thank you dear Keely!💘😍
Early Autumn 2018

#angelstrumpet #brugmansia #upclose up close and personal with Ray. Sorry I noticed it's a bit blurry 🙁

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍

Oh I get plant envy every time I see this 😍😍😍

@angiecrazycatlady 😉💘😍

@cyndi it should Cyn! They just sort of automatically do 😚💘😍
Late Summer 2018

#angelstrumpet #brugmansia #upclose probably the last close up of this baby! Can you smell it? Heavenly!!👃👃

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Oooohhhhh!!! 👃🏻💛😍

I'd love one of these. Trying to work out if I could grow one on the edge of the deck with lots of pots in front so Prudy can't chew it 🤔

@hayleyaj 😉💘😍

@angiecrazycatlady they are a huge amazing plant, but they are a bit of work to! I personally think they are worth it though 😁💘😍

I've wanted one for ages. Why do I always go for the high maintenance plants 😁

Ang you have ideas of Grandeur 🤣🤣 @angiecrazycatlady

@angiecrazycatlady you should try at least one Ang! I have 5 so talk about maintenance!!😲 Lucky the hubs is a huge help! But I'm sure you could manage one, it's pretty much all anyone notices when they show off like this,💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍

Looks fantastic Shelley 💛

@kez001uk thanks so much Kerry!💘😍
Late Summer 2018

#brugmansia #angelstrumpet the show has finally started! I think this is it for this year 😢

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Wow! 💛💛👏👏

@hayleyaj thanks Hayley! But if you swipe you can see how it was wower last year!😂💘😍

It's just stunning Shelley, I have to have one next year 💛

@hayleyaj they are always the bell of the ball! You would love it!😉💘😍

Wow looks beautiful 💛💛💛

@Keely thanks a bunch Keely!💘😍

@gjones showing off!!😁💘😍

Heaven!!!!!! 💛💛💛

@sushiwaitress it is Ruth!💘😍

@columbiariver not a bad show but there has been better ones! I believe these are more dependent on temps moreso than the sun, so as long as it's above 50° , they grow!😉💘😍
Late Summer 2018

#angelstrumpet #sunray September is the month! Getting ready to put on a show! The next post should be full of big yellow trumpets!💛

@hayleyaj 💘😍

That’s a wonderful specimen Shelley🤩

@columbiariver this the two on the patio in the jungle, so again this year they will be showing off at the same time!😁💘😍

@valjones-hughes Thank you Val! It's actually two, but who's counting!😂😂💘😍

Fabulous Shelley 😍 I was jealous of yours last year so got a couple but they're struggling 🙄

@pauline33 you got some!? Oh wow! Mine have struggled a bit this year to but I think it's my own fault! Do post yours!💘😍


😂😂 they have been munched to bits 🤣I struggled to keep them watered in the summer they were drying out as quick as I fed and watered them 🙄they have to be in pots because I’ll need to take them into the greenhouse in winter know my climate doesn’t really suit them but wanted to try I’ll go take a picture 😳

@hayleyaj 😁💘😍

@pauline33 mine are all in pots because they are stored in the garage thru winter, they are water hogs for sure and can be a struggle to keep them watered in the heat of summer, but don't give up!💘😍

I'll keep going with them how do you store yours 😉
Late Summer 2018

Good morning to all of you garden guru's! It appears I have lots of blooms on Sunday just not a lot of leaves, who needs leaves anyway!😂 #brugmansia #sunray

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Wow wow wow 💛👏

Gonna be stunning! 💛

@suerichards thank you!👏💘😍

@hayleyaj hopefully! Will post of course!😄💘😍

@cyndi it is a pile!😂💘😍

@cyndi I hope so too!💘😍

@gjones I think I know at least some of the reasons why the leaves are sparse, we didn't root cut them this spring (don't know why!) So I'm pretty sure that's at least some of the problem 💘😍

Ohhh SHELLEY I just can't get enough of your flowers. ..

@gjones we take them out of the pot they are in and cut off at least 4inches all the way around and then I cut it half way up from the bottom of the plant, add new dirt and some time release fertilizer and they get a whole new perspective!😁💘😍

@grantham how kind of you to say Bee!💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#angelstrumpet the other sunray doesn't look any better!😢

@hayleyaj 💘😍


@haleyt901 thanks? Awesome that it looks awful or that I failed miserably?😂😂💘😍

Oh what's wrong it has lots of blooms still 💛

@Keely I'm not positive as to what's wrong for sure but I think it has something to do with not root cutting it and it not getting some fresh dirt😕 this was taken a couple of weeks ago and it looks even worse now!!😢💘😍

Oh that’s a shame Shelley ☹️ not to do with the heat? 🤔

@rachelbrooks that probably doesn't help but they have been through plenty of heat waves so I'm sure it's not the only problem 🤨💘😍

@gjones yep!🤔💘😍

Lol I didn’t really read, and seen some pretty blooms on a previous post, and I guess I busted myself half way paying attention lol. I meant to tell you good job, like in a positive way, but I see now where I went wrong lol

Let me offer my condolences 🙁 but I know you know better than me, and im decent, so u will work it out! Now, that’s more like it lol 😂

@haleyt901 😂😂😂 I was pretty sure you didn't mean it was good I failed, but I couldn't resist asking! Condolences accepted!😂😂😂💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#angelstrumpet the queen of brugs has been decrowned!😢 My brugs look awful this year!! They are losing all there leaves and aren't blooming much! The hubs is convinced it's because we didn't root cut them, I don't even know why we didn't!🤔

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi I was thinking that to, cuz some plants are doing strange things this year for sure!💘😍

Strange year for plants harsh winter and hot spring n summer I'm sure if it was different your plant would be too Hun 😄

@Keely hopefully next year it will be better!💘😍

@cyndi you got that right!! Gotta rethink some things!🙄💘😍

@gjones 🤣🤣🤣💘😍
Early Summer 2018

#sunray #brugmansia #angelstrumpet she's putting on a very small show! I don't know why but this year they don't seem to want to keep their leaves! They are dropping them as fast as they are making them!🤔 Oh well! As long as they flower!😁

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones I agree! And they smell so good!💘😍

@cyndi right! As long as it's blooming!!💘😍

Well it's still a fabulous flower 💛💛💛

@Keely I agree!😁💘😍

@debrascott that's what I say! As long as it's blooming!💘😍

@columbiariver thanks! WOOHOO!! Looking forward to seeing his blooms!!😉💘😍

I have buds .... first year of growing them but I'll admire yours for now 💛👼🎺

@vec buds mean it'll be soon!! Exciting!😉💘😍

Can't wait 🤗
Early Summer 2018

#firstbloom #brugmansia #angelstrumpet #sunray WOOHOO!! First bloom on my brugs! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY everyone!! Have a safe and sane evening!🇺🇸💥🇺🇸💥🇺🇸

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi thanks! Yes there are a few more, and then next month is when mine usually burst into flames!😁💘😍

Fabulous Shelley. Can't wait for mine to flower

@cyndi yes, they usually do preform better the second year!😉💘😍

@jeatacake looking forward to seeing yours too!!💘😍

@gjones they are impressive aren't they Katy!💘😍

Thanks Shelley. I hope it won't be too long! 😁

Whoo hoo Party tonight at Shelley’s @ShelleySnyder everyone 😂🎉😍😘

@jadojado29 bring on the music and dancing!!😉💘😍

Wowzer! What a show stopper!!!😘 @ShelleySnyder
Late Spring 2018

#brugmansia #comparison for all you inquiring minds out there! The top pic was taken on may 3 the bottom may 30, that's how much it grew in less than a month! Sorry the photo isn't better!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

excellent progress!!!😊

@SylviaDavies it's amazing how fast these things grow!😲💘😍

Oh wow!

@jennlamaye yep! They grow fast! Wait till another month has gone by!💘😍

Can't wait to see this! 😍

@hayleyaj soon! Hopefully!🤔😁💘😍

Can you leave this out all year round where you live Shelley? I’d love to have one here but I’d need somewhere to put it over winter 😏

@rachelbrooks no I can't! It can't take freezing , so I put all mine in an unheated unisulated garage 💘😍

Oh! Well I could do that...does it not need any light? 🤔

@rachelbrooks I don't know for sure how much light it needs, I do know it doesn't need a lot, I have a floor to ceiling gold colored window and there are windows at the top of the garage door, so it's not pitch black but it's not totally lit up either. They can be brought in to the house to over winter, but I think you would have to put it in a smaller pot so you can manage it, which would mean more root cutting. Mine are in 5gal. Pots and become very heavy so the hubs moves them! Con't
Mid Winter 2018

#favoriteflower I think this is truly my favorite flower! Y'all tired of seeing it yet!?

@columbiariver yours too will look like this!💘😍

Awe I've been waiting for this my fav too from your garden so wish we had the temperature to grow them 💛💛💛💛💛

Never! It is understandable how you post this one. Gorgeous. ❤

What a fabulous sight Shelley no wonder it’s your favourite it’s gorgeous! 🤗💛👌

@Keely these are most dependant on nighttime temps staying above 50°f, if yours does and you have a little sunshine then you too can have them! Really!!💘😍

Shelleyyyy it is so beautiful😍❤😍😙

@lovestogarden Thank you so much Janice!💘😍

@mich Thank you very much!!💘😍

@kvetinka thank you my friend!!💘😍

No chance here they would be great in a conservatory but I don't have one of those either, need to move to warmer climates and a bigger garden 😂😂😂

If I had this one it would certainly be my number 1 👍
Early Autumn 2017

#angelstrumpet just playing with a new app!🤣🤣

Ahhh,A Beauty!!
Early Autumn 2017

#bestofseptember GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY GT FRIENDS!! HAPPY SATURDAY TO ALL!! For me I think my brugs would have to be the best of September, no matter how much they have or haven't bloomed in September they always put on a show!!

Gawjus 💛💛💛 Morning/evening Shelley 🙋

@Keely evening to you! Have a great one!!💘😍

Wow look at all those blooms You got it Shelley 🤗🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin thanks Terri!!💛💛💘😍

Absolutely stunning. If only we could grow them like this here. 👍😍💜👏

@jeatacake thanks Jeff!💘😍

Oooooooooo myyy oh my... love them!!🌱❤️

@alysha thanks!!they are gorgeous!!💘😍

@columbiariver thanks Laura!!💘😍
Early Autumn 2017

#lastsummerbloom #angelstrumpet #brugmansia #sunray GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY GT FRIENDS!! HAPPY FRIDAY TO ALL!! It seems we get some sun today! Yippee!!

@columbiariver thanks!! By the end of the weekend all those blooms will be gone!😢

Morning/evening Shelley this one brightens up a dull n wet evening for me 👌💛💛💛

There looking so beautiful 😊💕


Morning Shelley and evening from your UK friends,that looks amazing I just love these plant's 😍😍😍

@daisy-jane HELLO UK friends!!! Thank you!!💘😍

Fantastic! Wish they were easier to grow in the UK!

AMAZING Shelley!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

@leaskp1 thanks Ken!!💘😍
Late Summer 2017

#sunray #angelstrumpet #brugmansia I couldn't get the full impact of how full this is right now so I took several pics and collaged them! #collage is anyone sick of seeing sunray yet!?🤣🤣

I don't think anyone will be tired of looking at this beauty! I know I won't!

Ah the Trumpet Flower. Have White & Pink Varieties at my place. Yellow Ones are Lovely

Fabulous 💛💛💛💛

Girl,U r making me drool🤤More Than Ever!! LMBO!🤤😁😂
Late Summer 2017

#angelstrumpet #brugmansia #sunray now this is how this monster should look!! She's about 10ft. Tall and full of blooms!😲😁

Wow , fantastic Shelley 💛💛

@columbiariver @juliesgarden thanks ladies!!💘😍



UGHH,the pain,the agony...SEND ME MY CUTTINGS..LMBO!!🤤😁😂

@Acetaker soon!!🤣🤣
Late Summer 2017

#angelstrumpet #brugmansia #sunray evening all!! My brugmansias is showing off dispite the smoke! Awful day today and supposed to be the same tomorrow! Ugh!!😠😢 Could be worse, as long as all are safe!!👍😁

@cyndi me and mine were not in harm's way, it's just been unbelievably smokey!😥 Now Columbia River was in harm's way! So glad to hear she's ok!! Crazy crazy weather!! Have a good evening!!💘😍

HappyGardener@ShelleySnyder@cyndi I hope I am doing this right ! If not please correct me ! New at tagging ! I just wanted to say thanks to both of you! You are such nice people ! I like gardening and I had always wanted to share with other people , when I found this app. I am happy I did ! Nice community of gardeners!!😘Good night!!

@happygardener2017 this is a great app!!! Welcome!! You did it right!! Please share away!! Good night to you!💘😍

Late Summer 2017

#angelstrumpet #brugmansia #sunray puttin on one last little show before a long winter's nap!

@columbiariver in spring I saw some for sale at the nursery we frequent ( at least it said it was pink) other than that no I haven't!🤔😁

Sensational 😍👌 Just love these, but they don't like UK weather! 😁

@jeatacake that's too bad! Cuz they sure smell amazing!!💘😍

I know, absolutely intoxicating fragrance. Hoping to see some soon down Kansas way 😊

Fabulous shot 💕

Awesome 💛💛💛
@ShelleySnyder My angel trumpet is finally putting on new growth. Too much water/not enough drainage was the problem.

@kmallette909 oh yes !! It's death not to have good drainage!! Glad you got it fixed!!👍💘😍

Mid Summer 2017

#favourite #tuesdaychoice sorry I'm sure ya'll are sick and tired of this!!😲☹😞

Never! 💞👍🏼😃

Ops just jealous 😍🤣🤣🤣🤣

Too pretty to be tired of them!
I can't get my angel trumpet to grow I moved it to a spot where it would get more water last year and it still hasn't gotten over two feet and hasn't bloomed in 3 years. What am I doing wrong?

@kmallette909 can you post a pic of it? If you put (@ shelleysnyder) i'll get a notice . What zone do you live in? Do you leave it outside all winter?. If I see it I may be able to help better!💘😍

Mid Summer 2017

#brugmansia @janelleabella is this any better? It's still windy!! And HOT!!! I almost melted into a puddle!!!😂😂😂😂

WOWSERS 😮❣I LOVE IT! I WANT IT! (Kicking and Whinning!!) 🙏😯😖😧😦😭😉😊😁😂😂

It is so perfect it almost looks fake 😝

Omg now your getting the hang of it!! love it ! It's beautiful ❤😍👍😘😝🙌😂 thank you @ShelleySnyder you rock!!

Wow fantastic 👏👏

@ShelleySnyder - WOW your own self! 🌺🐾
Mid Summer 2017

#brugmansia @janelleabella ok here's one shot, I know it's not very good, but my phone doesn't take good close ups( need a new one!). The sun was blinding me and it is windy!!! Will try to get a better one later! I think I broke a nail !!😂😂😂😂


Awwee I'm sorry you broke a nail lol😘 thank you it is gorgeous!

@janelleabella @columbiariver 😂😂😂😂😂 you do know that didn't happen right!?😂😂😂

@columbiariver there ya go!! That's what happened!!😂😂😂

Lol I know @ShelleySnyder and @columbiariver our cracking me up!!😂😂😂
Mid Summer 2017

#brugmansia @janelleabella heres some close ups if you want a better look at any of these let me know!! Sending the smell to!! Problem is they don't smell during the day so I guess you ain't getting any smell are you!?😂😂😂

Lol no smell , that's funny I smelled a 🌒 flower today and there wasn't a smell either hmm they must give Lal their scent off at night after the bloom. (Moon flower) I wish the flowers would last longer thats why I need a angels trumpet!! Leaves are very similar actually. Ok so what about the Dave of the flower lol next time your taking pictures

@janelleabella the brug flowers only last 2or3 days when it's hot, if it's cooler they may last a couple more days but the really are'nt very long lasting! What's the Dave of the flower? Oh yeah they start smelling for me about 7:30 to 8:00 pm 💘😍

Lol Dave was suppose to be face 😝😂😂😂😂 @ShelleySnyder

@janelleabella 😂😂😂😂 you mean up inside of it?

Lmao!!! @ShelleySnyder well up in front of it

@janelleabella the top pic of the colage is in front of it!!😂😂

Well it looks like the side of it from over here yander lol @ShelleySnyder

@janelleabella ok I'll try to get a pic tonight when it stands up a bit more!💛💛💛👍

Ok are you afraid to touch it and break a nail lo lit's ok . I need to finish mowing clouds rolling in here😤 @ShelleySnyder

Ok..Scratch and! I'm in to try this beauty anytime u are ready..😉😊😍
Mid Summer 2017

#brugmansia #julyblooms GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY GT FRIENDS! HAPPY SATURDAY!! Can't seem to get enough of sunray, looking up at it, she's finally showing off a bit!

Morning Shelley its a beauty, have a good day hun 💛

@Keely thank you! You too!!💘😍

Good afternoon @ShelleySnyder get a close up of these beautiful flowers. I want to compare it the my dantura (lol right? I hope that I'm learning and remembering )

@janelleabella good afternoon to you! I will take a close up, but I can tell you datura is different from the brugs. The leaves are a bit different and your flower should face up, brugs face down. I'm on my way to do it!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder thank you!! You already taught me that part lol but they look so much alike in the pictures. Send the smell also please 🙌👍😝

Wow 😳😍

Love these 😍

@suerichards @greenfinger14 @janelleabella you can scan the brug and see the progress💘😍

@columbiariver how did you know!? 😂😂😂😂

Wow, that's a beautiful sight to behold! Gorgeous plant!

Mid Summer 2017

#brugmansia she's starting to put on a show!! WOOPDEDO!!

My devil's trumpet is white flowered and blooms profusely when fertilized and watered correctly

Luv it! Can't wait for mine to do the same

@Doomsdoor your right!!thats what they like, but for some reason this year they just sat there for the longest time before they decided to grow for me. I have a white one thats called betty marshal, it's not blooming yet.💘😍
Early Summer 2017

#talltuesday #brugmansia this one is even taller than the one in front of the fence! I'd say this one is 7 to7&1/2 ft.😲😲


Your brugs are stunning. 👌

@MelanieAt thank ya!! Problem is they are usually loaded with blooms by now!! But they are about a month behind this year!!😢😬😭😠

Yes, your yard is looking gorgeous hadn't been on GT I caught Streep throat from my neighbor's daughter. I've never had it and I really don't want to get it again. I love looking at your profile and admire knowing how much work must go into keeping it up 😊💕

@terrimclaughlin hope you're feeling better!! Kids are germsville!! Steer clear!!💘😍😂😂😂

Your so funny!! You always make me life!!!! Ur right germsville is a great way to explain kids. I remember now that u live in that beautiful state of Washington Thxs I needed a laugh. I feel bad I took a comment made by lesliecole49 real wrong. I feel sooo stupid.

@terrimclaughlin no need to feel stupid!! We all been there done that~ got a closet full of t~shirts to prove it!!!😂😂😂😂

Thxs Shelly you and your great hubby have a great night

@terrimclaughlin you have a good night as well💘😍
Early Summer 2017

#talltuesday #brugmansia it's tall alright!!! Th fence is 6&1/2ft. High😲
Early Summer 2017

#brugmansia @columbiariver @lovestogarden there she is !! The post this morning was taken at about 7:30 this one was taken at 7:00pm!!! AMAZING!!!👍💛💛💛💛💛

Lucky!! I can only imagine that lovely smell! Hopefully mine won't be too far behind!

@bpetty55 this year they are late!! I usually have way more blooms than the few that are on it now! But it does smell like heaven!!💘😍

Mine has gotten huge, but still haven't even seen blooms forming, yet ....

Brugmansias are lovely. Their fragrance is just amazing. Wish we could smell it through the phone. :)

That's beautiful 💛💛

Wow that's AMAZING so tropical 🌴😍😍

Shelley, I have one of these beautiful plants. I rarely get blooms...or haven't got any in some time. Any suggestions?

@stefanie050674 they are fertilizer hogs!!! I use miracle gro and a bloom fert. Mixed together at least twice a week!( they are in pots so it leaches out fast) you can even do it more often if you want, you can't over fertilize them. They grow at a very fast rate!! Hope this helps💘😍

Beautiful pic!

@glorybnd thanks sis!!!💘😍
Early Summer 2017

#brugmansia it's close!! Two bottom pics, late last night, top pic this morning!! It always amazes me how fast these grow!!😲😉

Nice. I have taken your advice and am attempting the propagation from my neighbor's. ❤ They smell so good.

@lovestogarden your gona love it!!! A word of caution if you plant it in the ground they say it can be invasive. Not for me of course cuz it would'nt make it thru winter!!💘😍

Invasive? How so? I thought it just puts up one trunk. Not so, I guess.

@lovestogarden not so!! You have to trim it to get a single trunk!! If you look at a branch they have little bumps all over it and each one of those will make a root!! So it will come up from the ground. Just keep it in a large pot and you won't have to worry about it! If it were hardy here I would still keep it in a pot~you'll still love it!!!💘😍

@lovestogarden I'm going to post another pic of it in a few min. It opened today!!
Early Summer 2017

#angelstrumpet I see you peeking!!👀 gona put on a little show for me soon!

Can't wait to see!! Xx😍

Oooh!! ❤❤❤ I hope mine get there buds budding! We're a little behind you and everyone else it seems.
#brug #brugmansia #bruglove #brugbananas #angelstrumpet #sunray @KariSamuel @tinaaune just for yous twos! I know mine will open before frost! When is your first frost usually?
Dickens! Yours is #loadedwithbuds and #blooms! 💛💛💛
@KariSamuel Thank you! When is your first frost normally? 💘😍
Farmers Almanac indicates Oct 1st... but that seems extremely early!
@KariSamuel extremely! Let's hope it's wrong! 💘😍
@gjones it is huge! About 9ft. Tall! 💘😍