Strobilanthes dyeriana 'Persian Shield'
Persian Shield
Mid Spring 2020
- 8
Late Summer 2018
- 15
Mid Summer 2018
- 32
Late Summer 2017
- 8
Late Summer 2017
- 8
Mid Summer 2017
- 7
Early Summer 2017
- 2

Strobilanthes dyeriana 'Persian Shield'
Mid Spring 2020
Late Summer 2018

#tuesdaytreasure I think this truly is one of my favorite plants, the pic doesn't do it justice!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

It's a beauty. As you know, one I really want 😍

@hayleyaj thanks Hayley! Hope you get one!💘😍

So do I Shelley!

I think it's fabulous, the colours are so beautiful 💜💚

Gorgeous colours 😍

You're right, it's so hard to capture it's full beauty I a photo, I love this one too! 😍

Love it 💜💚💜

@pelly thanks so much Jane!💘😍

@kez001uk thanks Kerry!💘😍

@tinaaune yeah it's to bad it's one of those plants you just can't quite capture!😕💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#persianshield #purpleandsilver crazy about Persian shield here!💜

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@terrimclaughlin here's mine Terri!😁💘😍

This is from this year or last year?? Mine with the praying mantis came back from last year but yours has that lovely deep purple!! I love em too. Those black veins in there!! It’s a beauty I have some cuttings but I should of taken them last year. You should try at the end of summer and see if you can root some. But it is easier and more fun to keep getting new ones and definitely less work. Very cool 😊💕

I just scrolled on this one are those all the same one?? You know how you go back up to the pic and slide from right to left and c all the others??👍🏻🤗😊💕

I need these next year 💜💜

@terrimclaughlin from this year Terri, they were bought this spring, I have taken cuttings and rooted them and kept them in the house for winter but they faded so bad and got so lanky and it took until August before they came back I decided that was a pile of crap! Not doing that again!😉💘😍

@hayleyaj you do need these next year!😁💘😍

@cyndi thanks! Me too!💘😍

If I can find them!

@hayleyaj I hope you do! A lot of times I have to buy mine in the indoor house plant section, take a look there 😁💘😍

I will Shelley, for sure next year 💜💜💜
Late Summer 2017

#persiansheild #purpleandsilver @KariSamuel here's my Persian shield, I just love this plant!!

I love yours it's huge mint is good!! Do they come back? I didn't notice if it was just an annual

Very Attractive. Makes it ignore other plants nearby 😊

@terrimclaughlin it doesn't come back here in my zone 8 ! I buy very small ones in the house plant section every year!💘😍

Saw this plant in a park just outside KC yesterday. It's a beauty 👍👌

This is only an annual?!? Wowzerz! That's a lot of growing in one season!

@KariSamuel it can be brought in the house but it won't look as good ,it will lose all it's gorgeous purple coloring! But you could take cuttings (will root in water) and then next spring a month or so before time to go outside take cuttings off the cuttings and it should turn back to the gorgeous color it is outside 💘😍

@KariSamuel oh by the way it does grow a whole lot if it's happy!👍💘😍
Late Summer 2017

#persianshield she's very happy this year and letting me know it! Doin my happy dance!!💃💃💃💃💃

Gorgeous colours 💜


Oh how pretty. Those colors! I love it!

I love those colors too❤️

The great Persian Shield I love it so much!! The colors, the colors (sounds like I'm back in the 70's) seriously though I love that plant

Do your come back. The one I got say there an annual but I think the sweet potatoe vine is an annual but a cutting I did which grew last year, it came back this year. Just wondering😊💕

@terrimclaughlin they don't come back in my zone 8 and if I'm not mistaking I believe it has to be at least zone 10, but I could be wrong about that and it might only be zone9 💘😍
Mid Summer 2017

#persianshield #purple #morningsun GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY GT FRIENDS!! HAPPY WEDNESDAY TO ALL!! Another hot one here today! Still smokey!! Another orange moon last night! It's cool looking but eerie at the same time!!😁🤤🤔

I love these Shelley, been on my wish list since last year, can't find any though!! 😍😍

@hayleyaj I always find them in the house plant section! They never seem to be in the garden section!💘😍

Ill have a look for next year then! Thanks Shelley 😍😍

Evening Shelley have a lovely day 💕

@Keely thanks!! You have a nice evening!!💘😍

Looks like ur beautiful Persian shields are really spreading since I saw them last. I can't forget to goes those next year their so pretty
Early Summer 2017

#persianshield I just love this stuff!!! #purple

At least I'm sure I can grow that one here. I first saw it at school and loved it.
#foliagefriday #persianshield #purple what's not to love about this plant!
@hayleyaj 💘😍
One of my favorites #persian-shield there kind of finicky. Thy like it humid and warm with shade outside. Most who grow them indoors kill them.
@docthrill one of mine too! But I have very low humidity here, I do keep it in part sun though, I don't kill mine!🤷🤔💘😍
It’s beautiful 💜💚💜
I must try to get this one, this year 👌🥰
@pelly Thank you so much!💘😍
@suerichards you would like it! Remember it can't take full sun, it will fade to a sickly pea greenish color 🤦 yes I speak from experience!🤷💘😍