Nerine bowdenii
Bowden Lily
Early Autumn 2021
- 2
Late Summer 2021
- 4
Late Summer 2020
- 2
Mid Autumn 2019
- 2
Late Summer 2019
- 3
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 7
Late Summer 2017
- 1

Nerine bowdenii
Early Autumn 2021
Late Summer 2021

12 September 2021 The buds of my Nerines are starting to open. Managed to count 19 of them😳 Happy Days #nerine #bud #nerine-bowdenii #pink

Oooh lovely. I'm.pleased for you 💕💕💕💕

Yaay , seen mine popping up too 🌸

Thank you Chris and Julie, I was delighted to see they’ve survived another year!! @midnightgardener @juliesgarden 😍 Hope yours are good too Julie 🌸
Late Summer 2020

19 September 2020 Nerine Bowdenii A welcome, beautiful, pink splash of colour in the Autumn garden. Happy Days #nerine #nerine-bowdenii #seasidegardensho47 #autumnblooms #autumngarden

It's lovely 💕💕
Mid Autumn 2019
Late Summer 2019

15 September 2019 Nerine blooming happily it seems😍 Hoping to plant more of these eye-catching bulbs. Definitely #firstsignsofautumn for me #latesummer #nerine #septemberblooms #seasidegarden 💕Happy Sunday GTers 😃

Gorgeous very unusual

Yes it is lovely, Sharon and actually quite common here in the East Neuk of Fife, Scotland 😃💕 @sharonhayden
Late Summer 2019

8 September 2019 🎼'Almost there we're almost there🎤!! Beautiful Nerine on a gorgeous sunny morning ( 9 degrees but a wee nip in the air) in Crail ☀️Looking forward to a coastal walk 😎Happy Days😃💕 #septemberblooms #nerine #seasidegarden
Early Autumn 2018

24 September 2018 Success at last😃 after quite a few years!! Beautiful Nerine blooms #autumn #nerine #mondaymotivation #gardeningmotto ‘Never give up!' Happy Days 😃💕☀️

I’ve tried for years and I have now given up🤣

Mine are in their second season and not a sign of flowers. Well done, they’re beautiful 🌸🌸

Well done. They are very hard to please -in my experience. I’ve lovely green leaves but nought else 😬🌸 @pelly

Thank you Kathy Jane and Nicola for your kind words 😃 Yes I've been very lucky this year as all my Nerines have bloomed. My friend has a stunning border of Nerines so here's her #advice Sunny sheltered position. Free draining soil as Nerines hate' soggy bottoms' and only place bulbs on top of soil!! Hope this helps and good luck🍀 @kathy @pelly @jendren 😃💕

Thanks for the advice Shona, I've followed all of it already...........maybe next year 🤔🤔

Thank you Shona. I’ll give it a go
Late Summer 2017

Nerine bowdenii -the first sign of Autumn for me 02/09/17 #september #pink #nerine 😃Happy Days😃💕☀️
Still as beautiful as ever -Nerine in full bloom and I think I may have some self seedlings growing in a pot nearby. Time will tell🤞 Happy weekend to all 😁💕 #nerine-bowdenii #autumncolour #octoberblooms #seasidegardensho47
So very pretty 💗💕