Smoke Bush
Late Spring 2018
- 4
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Autumn 2016
- 12
Early Summer 2016
- 10

Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018

My #smokebush is even blooming. #dainty

I've never seen blooms like that on a smoke bush!💘😍

Really at Shelley? There are " trillions " of them @ShelleySnyder
Mid Autumn 2016

Not a whole lot of color change on my smoke bush @franshinegee 🙁

Hey how r you doing now?

Hi Zeeshan. Much much better today, thank you for asking @zeeshan 😊

Glad to hear that.

@SikoMa Morning Dar! Have a great day...😊😊

Hello Mike. Hope you had a wonderful day too @mikethegardener 😄😊

On a scale of 1 to 10 how good was it to be back in your own bed? 🤗

Definitely an 11 @susieg 😂🤗🙌👍👐

🤗😂 that's what I suspected. Can't beat it. 👍🏻

So pleased your feeling a lot better. Still don't over do things for a while🤗

Thank you Enid. I think you're right about over doing things. Felt really great this morning. So, I was out doin barn chores and got a bit sore. Lesson learned😔 @godfreye

Dar we are all the same really hate not being well.🤗
Early Summer 2016

Can anyone identify this plant please? #plantid

Continus - smoke bush

Thank you @franshinegee 😉

Love smokebush can't grow it here I've tried

@bel I'm not even sure that I've seen it before.

Great shrubs - I don't have one myself but I get to enjoy my neighbours one which grows over the fence 😊

Thank you @richard.spicer.7906. I kind of really like it too. It really stands out.

Looks lovely🤗

Thank you @godfreye. I like how "fuzzy" they look.

My #smokebush is lookin pretty #fuzzy with all the #tiny #dainty #blooms 😍😍😍
Love this plant 💕
This is such a pretty bush!❤ @SikoMa
Thank you @carolgs @gjones @kimguy. I do like the red, but it winter, it looks like a giant tumbleweed😂😂😂