Mid Winter 2017
Early Winter 2017

Team Lycett busy within The Workroom today! These fabulous Cloni #ranunculus from Italy via New Covent Garden Market are a great buy as tho costly they are strong and long-lasting as a #cutflower Stripping off the lower leaves and trimming 1cm from stem ends before arranging them will ensure they take up water and that it stays fresher longer! Don't forget to change the water in a few days time to prolong their vase life even further #cutflowers-advice #springtime #springflowers #seasonal #simo

I love ranunculus - one of my favourites
Early Winter 2017

A beautiful array of #anemones and #ranunculus spotted @marketflowers this morning! Taking down the #Christmas #decorations I always feel that the house looks naked! Adding a vase or two of some #bright and #seasonal #cutflowers really gives dull #January a lift I find! Why not pop to your #local #florist and purchase a few stems of #seasonal #flowers this week?! #SimonSaysFlowers

Good idea!
These incredible crinkle-edged #ranunculus look so beautiful this cold morning at New Covent Garden Market - as if made of crepe paper #cutflowers #pink #seasonal #spring #flowers #simonsaysflowers
Gorgeous 💗💚💗
Oh fabulous picture 💖💖
Sigh... 💖