Adenium obesum
Mid Autumn 2016
Early Spring 2016

Both Desert Rose plants are starting to wind down in their blooming.

Have you taken cuttings yet?

@brightcolours No, but I will very soon though. Thanks for reminding me!
Early Spring 2016

This is one of two large, old potted Desert Rose plants that I have. They were given to me a few years ago. They have not been fertilized or repotted since I have had them. They seem to thrive in their current condition. I would love to plant them in the ground. I am in zone 10 which is subtropical. What do you think - repot or plant?

Hello Shelly 👋 Thank you for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏

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So pr

So pretty! I wouldn't touch it!

#adenium #desertrose #pink

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Not many from USA in group, yet...

I'd put one in ground and see how it goes. Would also take cuttings from both and keep in pots. #advice

@brightcolours I didn't even think about taking cuttings from these two magnificent plants. They are so huge and the blossoms are so pretty that having more would not be a bad thing!

This desert rose plant gives intense, continual blooms. What's not to love? #desertrose #pinkandyellow #intense #tropical
Gorgeous shot!
@franshinegee Thank you! It's a gorgeous plant, for sure!
Awesome beauty 👌👌
My desert rose has not flowered it is green but no flowers should I move it to a more sunny spot? currently in a semi shady spot.
@ripjuju Yes! Full sun! Sunny, hot, and dry! Mine are in the sunniest part of my yard in big pots and they flower like crazy!