Adenium obesum
Desert Rose
Mid Winter 2019
- 2
Late Autumn 2018
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 7

Adenium obesum
Mid Winter 2019
Late Autumn 2018

Plenty of growth from this Desert rose now, I've placed him on a bright windowsill above a radiator I think he's loving it 😊

Yes. He is happy. Winter is his growing time.
Mid Autumn 2018

There's new growth on the #desertrose 😊
Early Autumn 2018

I brought a little baby Desert rose (Adenium obesum) really hoping I can keep it alive! I always over water them 🙈

They do not like overwatering. Too much water stored in the bulbuous root, makes the base of the plant rot.

Thank you @Annettenoosa 💕 I will try my best.. Is their a way to know they need watering?

If it is summer and hot and dry, they appreciate a drink. Soil moist, not wet. Do not stand plant in water. Let soil dry out between watering. They are a tropical plant so like heat and lots of light. The bulbuous root needs to be exposed too.

I've grown mine from seed but it looks like it's stopped growing and it's only got 3 leafs on it should I repot it I think mine is in a 6cm terracotta Pot any info would be great

@Annettenoosa would you have some advice for @mrgrose ? 😊

@mgrose well done you for growing a tropical plant in a cold climate from seed. They are slow growing. Treat it like a cactus, warmth, good light.Very little water in Winter when growth slows, increase water in Summer. Over watering is the biggest killer of Desert Rose. Good luck. @wesleybrian
Little beauts still holding strong under the warm radiator ❤️