Senecio rowleyanus
Late Autumn 2018
Mid Autumn 2018

11.02.18 no roots yet but I think those 3 little tears/pearls are new growth

Yay! I love this. I’ve wanted this plant for so long!!!

Ditto @caseythall 🙏🙏 these take root and gives me a tiny hanging pot if not I may cave and order some online come 2019 lol

@Soja412 I’ve been tempted to do the same!! I just had a terrible experience ordering succulents from Amazon. They were extremely over priced and came with glued rocks. Grrrrrr. It is so scary to order plants online.

Oh no! I started my succulent collect from Amazon bundle packs, I'll try to find the link, one package came late and damaged so I contacted the seller and they replaced my package for me 🤗 @caseythall besides that I trade people cuttings in the mail, now that is scary! You don't know what the heck they're gonna send or if they're going to, all in all I've been happy tho! Let me see if I can find you that link

@caseythall Shop Succulents Cactus and Succulent (Collection of 9)

@Soja412 Thank you!!! Also, that is so rad you exchange cuttings. I can see how that is scary!! How do you arrange this?

@caseythall usually exchange email addresses and then from there you can share specifics, what plants you're willing to trade and pics, what plants or cuttings they have to offer, agree on a shipping date, and then sharing tracking numbers once shipped
12.7.18 I see a few very tiny pearls/tears starting, I hope that means it's rooting and going to make it 🙏🙏