- Mid Summer 2021
- 33
- Early Summer 2018
- 65
I look forward to these the most all year 😍 #agapanthus #blue #lovesummer
I will just have look at your as all 3 of my plants haven't flowered this year 😣
Love this colour
I have two big pots of Agapanthus one blue and one white they have budded up nicely and I am looking forward to them opening I will post some pics when they do . But yours is a lovely sapphire blue #squares we are a bit later with the flower up here in the North ...
@angiecrazycatlady oh no! i wonder why? i seem to think they do best in containers, clients agapanthus in the ground only had one bloom this year... @ziggypat looking forward to seeing them 😁
Mine are all in containers so not sure what's happening 🤔
- Early Summer 2016
- 87
What a difference after a few days away #blue #agapanthus
💙👌😎 beautiful
Mine still just shooting up buds Scotland. Some beautiful photos, @Squares
Beautiful 💙
Lovely 👍
Ooh lovely 💙💙💙😍
Looks gorgeous
Also have a white one, not doing so well only 1 flower
Love them ! Mines blue too
My favourite flower, sadly I lost both of mine to frost.i haven't been brave enough to try again.
@glenabyr try again pls ☺️
Busy honey bee on the agapanthus #bee #agapanthus #honeybee #blue
Easy to grow from seeds