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Work as a self employed gardener with my daughter in Enfield, City & Guilds qualified in Garden Design & Horticulture studied at Capel Manor, Enfield
Can anyone help me identify this plant ? is it pulmonaria?
Looks a bit like comfrey ?
Yes comfrey 🐰🐰
thank you @alank @susiwoo ! really fast growing and spreads like anything!!!
Yes a Comfrey, probably Symphytum 'Hidcote Blue'
And @squares if I remember correctly has a weird smell ... Well I think so lol 😝
@tiggrx thanks, strange name for a pink flower!
@susiwoo im not sure! will have to have a sniff next time im in this garden :)
@squares Haha ok 😊
You can make liquid feed with it by adding it to water and leaving it for a month or so.
Just saw this in a nursery near me and was with all the pulmonarias
Not that you need me to confirm it but yes comfrey! Watch the bees go crazy for it 🐝👍🏻
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Can anyone help me identify this plant ? is it pulmonaria?
Looks a bit like comfrey ?
Yes comfrey 🐰🐰
thank you @alank @susiwoo ! really fast growing and spreads like anything!!!
Yes a Comfrey, probably Symphytum 'Hidcote Blue'
And @squares if I remember correctly has a weird smell ... Well I think so lol 😝
@tiggrx thanks, strange name for a pink flower!
@susiwoo im not sure! will have to have a sniff next time im in this garden :)
@squares Haha ok 😊
You can make liquid feed with it by adding it to water and leaving it for a month or so.
Just saw this in a nursery near me and was with all the pulmonarias
Not that you need me to confirm it but yes comfrey! Watch the bees go crazy for it 🐝👍🏻