- Early Summer 2016
- 12
- 4
- Early Summer 2016
- 3
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- Early Summer 2016
- 4
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- Early Summer 2016
- 10
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- Early Summer 2016
- 12
- Early Summer 2016
- 3
Having removed the dead leaves, a lot of greenery can be seen. Has it survived...? #Hydrangea #NansHydrangea #RIP #Transplanting
- Early Summer 2016
- 4
Looking a little sad for itself... 😔
How long ago was it transplanted??
@brightcolours This was done about 2 weeks ago. The leaves have deteriorated more now but hoping it will bloom next year.
Have you cut all the flowers off so the plants's energy goes into establishing roots? I'd also trim back growth by half for the same reason. And give a weak solution of seaweed every week.
- Early Summer 2016
- 10
Thanks to my mum @michelle2016, I now have a forever reminder of one of my amazing Nan's. I have the original Hydrangea in my garden! 😀 #Hydrangea #Memories #Nan
Hoping from the greenery, it has taken after transplanting this 3 weeks ago! #Hydrangea #NansHydrangea #RIP #Transplanting
Make sure you keep it well watered and it'll be fine
@mikethegardener Can I pester you for some advice please? I transferred this from my Nans garden 4 weeks ago. It's looking sad. Is there anything I can do?
@steven2016 Hi Grant no probs. Where there are no signs of growth on any of the stems, cut down to about 3cm. Leave the rest as it is and water well. A handful of Blood, Fish & Bone or Growmore watered in well will also help. Next spring you'll find new growth from the base. Good luck!!