Jacaranda mimosifolia
Blue Jacaranda
Late Spring 2016
- 9
Late Spring 2016
- 6
Mid Spring 2016
- 3
Mid Spring 2016
- 9

Jacaranda mimosifolia
Late Spring 2016
Late Spring 2016

#upclose #jacaranda #purpleflowers #purple #blooms #spring #bestofspring

Are they fragrent Sue? They are just so frilly and lovely.

@SikoMa yes they are fragrant but not overwhelming the bees love the blooms.

I'm still going to have to find one and try it. Are they more or less hardy than say, a tulip tree?

As I live in a temperate climate I find that they are both hardy enough. @SikoMa

Thank you Sue. Not to find one. Thank you😊😍
Mid Spring 2016
Mid Spring 2016

A sign of #summer #firstflower s on the #jacaranda #tree #blue #purple #beefriendly #shade

I've always wanted one. There are a few of them dotted across my city so next time I spot one I'll take a cutting (hoping it roots!)

@Pushkraj grab a dried seed they are easy to grow

Will do!!! :)

I agree with @sue1953 a seed of Jacaranda would be the way to go. Ours was sell sown and now a massive tree after about 22 years.

Wish we could grow them here Sue , beautiful 💜💜

I love the blue period that marks Summer and also wish they grew here. We have one that hangs over the fence from my neighbour but never flowers. I am guessing too cold💙

@Shephes maybe the tree was grown from seed and is too young to flower

It's neighbours so maybe that's the case but there seems to be a line where below this line e jacarandas in flower above ie Faulconbridge and above none 😞
#jacaranda #purpleflowers #purple #blooms #spring #bestofspring #bestof2016
Oh this is going on my #wishlist. Might have to bring it in during harsher winters. Says only frost hardy to 19°F we get to -19°F. 😨
This grows into a massive tree @SikoMa Hope your barn has plenty of room 😂😂😂
Grrrrr.... Can it be trimmed back and kept smallish? I do have a large garage that fits big RV's/travel trailers.🤔🤔🤔
You can only try you will need to buy a grafted one as they take 15years to flower from seed. Good luck.
I love this tree... I remember streets in Sydney being awash with colour of these at this time of year. Stunning 👍
@justin there are so many in bloom in the Shoalhaven at the moment purple trees everywhere I love this time of year
Wow 😍💜💜