Helianthus Tuberosus
Jerusalem Artichoke
Early Autumn 2021
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Early Autumn 2021
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Early Autumn 2021
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Mid Spring 2021
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Mid Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2021
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Helianthus Tuberosus
Early Autumn 2021
Early Autumn 2021

My #sunchoke #jerusalemartichoke finally bloomed. This is my first year with these -- I'm told they taste best when harvested after blooming. #experiment #latebloomer #octoberblooms 8 Oct 2021
Early Autumn 2021

Forgot to pay attention to these #sunchoke and then BOOM 💥 they were huge. They fell over in a storm but that didn't seem to bother them. (Stakes next year!) #jerusalemartichoke #grocerystoreplant #gyo #edible #ediblelandscaping #experiment #success 8 Oct 2021
Mid Spring 2021

Finally planted the #jerusalemartichoke #sunchoke in actual ground #helianthus-tuberosus 13 May 2021
Mid Spring 2021

Not gonna lie, this is the second time I've forgotten to water these guys. I left the seedling heat mat on and dried them out. Just gave them a big drink and moved them outside into some shade. 2 May 2021 #sunchoke #jerusalemartichoke

But why would they need a heat mat? I thought you were in Zone 8 or something... #101uses

@emch they were in a grow tent in the cool basement. They probably didn't *need* the heat mat, but there was extra space on it so 🤷♀️
Early Spring 2021

Good thing I put the #jerusalemartichoke tubers into quart pots -- they are so ready to stretch their roots out in the ground #sunchoke 16 Apr 2021 #growtent

Looks great, I’ve always wanted to try those. Good luck to you. 🍀
Early Spring 2021

The #jerusalemartichoke are loving the heat mat 🌡 8 Apr 2021 #sunchoke #grocerystoreplant
Early Spring 2021

I bought two #sunchoke tubers at the Asian grocery store a couple weeks ago. They felt a little rubbery, but I decided to experiment. I put the tubers in a cup of water overnight and they firmed right back up. Potted them and stuck them in the grow tent on a heat mat and suddenly poof! Today they poked their sprouts above the soil! Experiment: success! #jerusalemartichoke 1 apr 2021 #ediblegarden

This is turning into a favorite #101uses #midwesternnative for me! They work as a hedge, a cut flower, a dinner vegetable...

I’ve always wanted to try one. Lots of Asian markets here so thanks, I’m going to look for it. 👍

I did the same last year, but outside in the ground. Absolutely wonderful production. It’s now one of my favorite plants. And now I identify them on the side of the road everywhere.
#jerusalemartichoke #sunchoke #octoberblooms #latebloomer 8 Oct 2021