Ricinus communis
Castor Oil Plant
Late Autumn 2021
- 5
Early Autumn 2021
- 1
Late Summer 2021
- 4
Late Summer 2021
- 1
Late Summer 2021
- 2
Late Summer 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 2
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Mid Spring 2021
- 2
Mid Spring 2021
- 2
Mid Spring 2021
- 2
Mid Spring 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 2
Early Spring 2021
- 2

Ricinus communis
Late Autumn 2021
Early Autumn 2021

Found this guy denuding my #castoroilplant but I've gotten enough seeds from it this year that I suppose this #caterpillar can have a leaf or two. I think it's a virginian tiger moth caterpillar aka white woolybear. 10 Oct 2021 #castorbean #fuzzycaterpillar #woolybear
Late Summer 2021

#seedidreference-castoroilplant #castoroil-seeds #castorbean #castoroilseeds #ricinuscommunis so beautiful and so #deadly -- even the seeds are ornate and decorated with the message HEY YOU DON'T EAT ME. 17 Sep 2021 I have to figure out how to make them into jewelry.

They look a lot like Tonka beans but are probably not as nice smelling. How large are they?

About 1 cm long, maybe a little less. @emch

Oh, very tiny then. My Tonkas are almost twice the size!
Late Summer 2021

The golden burnished interior of #castorbeanseedpod 17 Sep 2021 #ricinuscommunis
Late Summer 2021

Got some #seedpods from the #castorbean -- this was my goal: to get some seeds so that I can try this plant in another place next year. And in case the red stems and spiky hot-pink pods didn't convince you that this plant is bad news, the dry pods have sharp spines that should make hungry folk think twice. 12 Sep 2012 #castorbeanseedpod #seedpodidreference-castoroilplant #seedpodid-castoroilplant #ricinus-communis #ricinuscommunis #beautifulbutlethal #poisonous

#closeup #upclose
Late Summer 2021

Bright #red stems on the #castorbeanplant scream DON'T EAT ME -- this plant really wants to make sure you don't make a mistake. The white joints between segments remind me of bamboo 12 Sep 2021 #poisonous #beautifulbutlethal
Late Spring 2021

#castoroilplant #castorbean plant #grownfromseed #fromseed now has 7 leaves... come on baby get big and give me seeeeeeeds! 18 June 2021 #ricinuscommunis #donteatthat #beautifulbutlethal #foliage

Awesome 💕 Looks great @sushiwaitress
Late Spring 2021

12 June 2021 looks like the #castorbean plant is gonna make it after all -- it's started putting out new leaves again. #ricinuscommunis #castoroilplant #poisonous #deadly #beautifulbutlethal
Late Spring 2021

Anybody who's grown #castorbean before, should I pick off this first seed pod to stimulate the plant to grow more branches and leaves? I want it to get big and tall. 21 May 2021 #ricinuscommunis #castoroilplant heh, and doesn't that spiky pink seed pod just scream "HEY WATCH OUT DON'T EAT ME"
Mid Spring 2021

Finally in the ground #ricinuscommunis #castorbean #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #castoroilplant 13 May 2021

#interestingfoliage #101uses
Mid Spring 2021

Brought the #castorbean plant up from the basement grow tent into the shade outside to harden off. Tried to pollinate this one today. We'll see what happens #grownfromseed #fromseed #growyourown #castorbean-flower #ricinuscommunis

Lovely photo Ruth hope the pollination goes well for you 🤞🍀
Mid Spring 2021

The #beautifulbutlethal #castorbean plant and #castorbeanflower blooming in the grow tent. Soon, my lovely.... Soon you'll have all the soil you ever wanted... 29 Apr 2021 #ricinuscommunis

Very cool picture😯
Mid Spring 2021

#castorbean plant #grownfromseed in a red solo party cup -- the leaves remind me of open umbrellas -- and it's definitely making a flower bud 25 Apr 2021 #ricinuscommunis #ricinus #poisonous
Early Spring 2021

Is that a flower bud on my #castorbeanplant ? #castorbean #castoroilplant #ricinuscommunis #ricinus-communis #ricinus 16 Apr 2021 #growtent

Oooooh 😍
Early Spring 2021

#castorbean plant #grownfromseed -- 1 seed planted in a 12-oz red solo cup with a couple drainage cuts in the bottom. Here's the first leaf that looks like a mini version of the adult. Can't wait to put this baby outside. #ricinuscommunis #ricinus-communis 8 Apr 2021

Beautiful dark red leaves😍
#castorbean is done for the year. I got a bunch of seeds -- a successful experiment. 21 Nov 2021 #ricinuscommunis #castoroilplant #grownfromseed #fromseed
Also, some #advice please: can I compost the castor bean plant? It's super poisonous, but if it's composted, it'll be okay to grow food plants in that compost, right? Maybe better safe than dead and I won't compost it.....
Seasons always amazes me. It's early summer here while you guys are getting ready for winter.
Toss 'em in the garbage Chattanooga autobahn society claims small amounts could be used in a hot pile but, it's ricin, toss 'em
Yep, I agree @lesliecole49