@SylviaDavies thinking now this could be daphne, after you saying about waxy leaves, googled it and it looks similar. Is it highly scented? Have a google see what you think.
@wilko thanks! Had a look and yes it certainly is more like the flower. Not sure if I have been feeding it erichacious supplements or not as I want sure what it was. Not sure if the smell as there us only one bunch of flowers so far and my allergies are stopping ne from sampling properly 😢 😢. Thanks for the suggestion! 😃
Help me identify this plant please... the flower looks like an escalonia but totally different in the way it is growing! ? ? #plantid
Looks like weigela but not sure?
Thanks @wilko - could be! Any idea why it has spots on the leaves?
It's a really small flower compared to my other wigelias (similar to that of the escalonia) and the leaf is quite waxy? ?
@SylviaDavies don't know why there's spots on the leaves, sorry I can't be of more help
@SylviaDavies thinking now this could be daphne, after you saying about waxy leaves, googled it and it looks similar. Is it highly scented? Have a google see what you think.
@wilko thanks! Had a look and yes it certainly is more like the flower. Not sure if I have been feeding it erichacious supplements or not as I want sure what it was. Not sure if the smell as there us only one bunch of flowers so far and my allergies are stopping ne from sampling properly 😢 😢. Thanks for the suggestion! 😃
@tiggrx can you help with this one please Aaron? 😃
I would have said it was an Escallonia.
Thanks @tiggrx ... I've settled for
Escallonia 'Pink Elle'... Would you agree?
#plantdoctor can anyone help with the rusty spots please?