Linaria purpurea
Late Spring 2017
Early Summer 2016

Gorgeous! Help me identify this plant please #plantid

@SylviaDavies it's a beauty 💜💜💜

Wow thats stunning is it a shrub or small plant? 💜💜💜

It's a Linaria

@Keely it's tall and skinny and thanks to @tiggrx I now know it's a linaria! Thanks @tiggrx! You amaze me! 😃

Love this! Always think the petals look like little butterflies!

Lovely photo, lovely plant. @SylviaDavies I am now wondering if I have identified the one I have correctly as a Linaria as I think it looks different to yours. Would you mind looking at the photo of mine and let me know what you think? If you click on the name of this plant the library photo is mine, thank you 😊
Morning everyone! #purple
Morning Sylvia. Very pretty 💜💜💜
Thank you Julie @vec
Morning Sylvia, what a beautiful combination 😍😍😍
Morning Sylvia. Love the purple against the green 💜💚
Good morning, great combo 👍
Looks fab with a backdrop of yellow- one of my favourite combos
Good afternoon Sylvia, very pretty 💜💚💜
Thank you @pelly @lexijane @titchyfra @carolecuttingitfine @christineb I took two shots, one against a normal green. This one looked so much better against that foliage!