Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' syn. Viburnum opulus 'Sterile'
European Snowball Bush
Late Summer 2016
- 7

Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' syn. Viburnum opulus 'Sterile'
Late Summer 2016
This viburnum things it's already autumn, other plants are thinking it's spring! ? ?
Yes my Poplar is already losing some leaves - it always thinks Autumn is here long before the other plants.
Thanks @belindanesbitt when you say poplar, do you think i have the right id on this as the label said plicante and the lead waa wrong for it to be one of those so I've taken the one I felt was most alike? ? Not sure I'm right though. There were beautiful berries on this but the birds have had them!
My cherry tree is doing the same 😣
I'm afraid I don't know as Viburnums are a big family - I have the snowball bush in my garden and another vib which does produce berries and is evergreen. My poplar is a tree. I do not know the latin names as I grew up with the plants everyday names!
Just today my snowball bush is turning red too, even though it's still very hot here (Northern Ireland).