Lactuca sativa
Mid Spring 2020
- 4
Mid Spring 2019
- 4
Late Winter 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 4
Early Summer 2017
- 3
Late Spring 2017
- 4
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 0
Mid Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 1

Lactuca sativa
Mid Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2019

Planting out the early #lettuce. They look so #tiny! Hope they'll be ok... #little-gem #seedlings #gyo

Will you be standing guard for slugs tonight then? 😆

Lol, I actually did put down a bunch of #woolpellets after I took the picture! @Mikekally

Those things saved me last year, thanks for introducing us to woolpellets!
Late Winter 2019

#lettuce #seedlings that weren't there yesterday 😁 Little Gem winter lettuce.
Late Winter 2019

I may have got confused and started these #lettuce a bit early 🤔 Webb's Wonderful, Little Gem and Catalogna Cerbiatta
Early Summer 2017

It's getting a very #lettuce look about it 😁😄

Looks great! And not a nibble mark to be seen!

#fingerscrossed! @Mikekally so far the #woolpellets really seem to be doing the trick! The one lettuce section without them isn't doing nearly as well.

Defo have to look into this!
Early Summer 2017

So it seems those #woolpellets expand a lot! I was able to take off the top layer and cover the same area again and this is what was left over 😊 and so far these #lettuces don't seem to have been nibbled any further...

That's great! Doing the job so far then

#fingerscrossed @Mikekally If they do the trick I'll be getting a lot of them!
Late Spring 2017

So #windy today that I found these #lettuce making a run for it... 😂

How about planting a long thin border of Jerusalem Artichokes as a wind break. Cut tops of when they reach 5ft. Fast & v. easy growers & soup flavouring additive at harvest

Interesting, I don't think I've ever tried those, might look in to it 😊 @no_akira . I don't think it will often be this bad though #fingerscrossed

Ireland is famous for its soil stripping wind T
Late Spring 2017

More #lettuces out among the #peas too. The first ones seem ok; their old leaves are a bit limp but the new ones seem to grow in well 😊
Late Spring 2017

So I definitely sowed too much #lettuce... Just one of the three trays had about 70 plants in it! At least I have spares in case of slug attacks 😁
Late Spring 2017

Well, I hope they'll be happy in their new home! They look so #tiny I'm not sure if they're tough enough, but they're under a cloche so that should help... #lettuce #gyo #transplant #separation-anxiety 😯
Late Spring 2017

I think I sowed the #lettuce too densely, it's looking very crowded. Going to move some outside with the #peas but I hope it's not too early for them! #transplant #gyo
Mid Spring 2017
Mid Spring 2017

#lettuce already! I only just sowed these seeds! I wasn't even going to bother checking on them for a couple of days yet... #fastgrower
Mid Spring 2017

Took some days off to work in the garden but it's #freezing and #miserable out so I'm sowing #seeds instead. This is Webb's Wonderful #lettuce
Not at all impressed with this "3 week salad mix"... Bought it just before lock down kicked in, hoping to have some fresh greens, this is all I have so far.
Maybe enough for a single finger sandwich, but unfortunately not a full afternoon tea platter
😂 @Mikekally maybe it's just some kind of hipster food! Microgreens is a thing, right? 🤔
With avacados on toast, yep 🤣🤣