Penstemon 'Sour Grapes'
Beardtongue 'Sour Grapes'
Mid Summer 2020
- 2
Mid Summer 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 2
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Early Spring 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 9
Mid Summer 2017
- 11
Mid Summer 2017
- 2

Penstemon 'Sour Grapes'
Mid Summer 2020
Mid Summer 2020

Ooh, looks like I may be finally getting the hang of this #cuttings lark!
Early Spring 2019

Couldn't get a good picture last night, but these are the #penstemon #cuttings all potted up. I think I've done everything right, now just need to wait and see! #propagation

Early Spring 2019

Since the other penstemon #cuttings seem to be actually surviving, and I impulse bought a #root-trainer tray this morning, and the penstemon on the garden was due a good pruning, I figured I'd try doing it properly, now that I have a #propagator and everything! #wishmeluck


Good luck! 🤞
Early Spring 2019

The #cuttings seem quite happy with the experiment to transition to soil 😊
Early Spring 2019

The #penstemon seem to get on well in this garden at least!
Late Winter 2019

#penstemon #cuttings - I know these are meant to be super easy, but they're the first cuttings I've ever managed to keep alive this long! I'm kind of nervous to #transplant them now in case they die...

The longer you leave it the more chance of damage to the super sensitive white roots...

Oh no, don't say that! How do I know if the roots are big enough for it to survive? @brightcolours

They look big enough now. I’d plant the cuttings in soil up to level of where water is presently.

That may be my lunchtime project if I'm feeling brave 😊 @brightcolours

You could do one and leave the other?

Ah, but one has always been stronger than the other, so if one didn't make it I'd just be second guessing myself! Will do both and see how they go - plenty more cuttings that can be taken if needs be 😊 @brightcolours

Did some research and I'm going to try this technique:

Hadn’t heard of that technique. Good luck!
Mid Summer 2017

The new #penstemon plant had a broken stem on one side so I'm going to try #rooting it. I've never had much luck with #cuttings so #fingerscrossed!

Oh those are pretty!

Yeah, the picture on the pot really doesn't do them justice! @Mikekally maybe if I get the hang of rooting these cuttings I could pass you on some one of the days!

I know, I can't seem to do it, even with rooting powder they just die... slower, but die none the less

I feel like there must be a trick to it @Mikekally like they need to be more moist... Or less moist... Or more dark... Or something! 😕

Well when you work it out, lemme know!

We used to grow penstemons from cuttings at the nursery, far better success with the trays with preformed plugs of compost in them. I can't find them for sale retail but maybe rockwool cube trays would work? They always rooted far better than the standard sand rich potting compost.

And always soft cuttings of the non flowering tips, taken in early summer.

Thanks for the tips @tash74! I have it in half and half cutting compost and vermiculite at the moment, do you think I should try to find something else?

Anything is worth a try when you have a random cutting, definitely best to leave it where it is than disturb it. We always used to cut the leaves in half to reduce water loss and keep them in the humid tunnel. Maybe a polythene bag over the top?

I removed a couple of leaves already for the moisture loss, will definitely give the bag a try, cheers @tash74 😊
I love this #penstemon, so glad it's still going!
Pretty 💜