Early Autumn 2017
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Late Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 8

Early Autumn 2017
Late Summer 2017

It looks like so many babies on this mother leaf #echeveria #plantid #plantid-succulent #green
Late Summer 2017

#smallisbeautiful #propagation #istolethisleaf
Early Summer 2017

Help me identify this plant and help me bring these plants to lifeeeee. 😂😀😀 #plantid #succulentsunday- #succulenthelp #succulent #propagation #howto #propagate #help

It looks like a variety of #echinacea I take mine and place them on top of peat moss or a soil which has it in it. Mist them lightly a couple times a day. Make sure u have them out of direct light. U should see roots and another leaf soon.😊 I hope this helps u.

Or echeveria. I think that's what @Acetaker meant to say. I agree with the rest. I've actually had better luck with the leaves that fall off and lay in the dirt unnoticed than the ones I've tried to baby along. They are quite good at propagating themselves. Well draining/cactus soil is a must. @tay.nic

@rennezoe I would have left them but I friend gave them to me to try growing my own

Hey you guys why special soil? Can't I make good drainage for them and they'll be okay with potting soil/rocks? @rennezoe @Acetaker

@tay.nic u don't have to use special soil but u will need to make sure the soil isnt soaking wet and the plants don't get on direct sun light @rennezoe yes that is what I meant on the ID thxs😊

I haven't been successful but i hear it can be done. I use black gold cactus mix or add sand and perlite to regular potting mix. Probably matters more for established plants in larger pots as they tend to retain water. @tay.nic

The far left leaf looks like a crassula ovata leaf
#plantid #succulent #progress #plantid-succulent 9/20/17