Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Late Summer 2020
Mid Summer 2020

Need some help with my #zamioculcas-zamiifolia leaves have started to discolor and im not sure why.. do my best not to over water, and it lives in a shady spot on my porch.. any #help to keep this baby gping would be much appreciated x

@courtneylove can you help?

@eclairesowden also may be able to help??

@TeaganT does it het cold at night where u are?

Lowest overnight temps have been like 13°c.. we've had mostly 30°c plus days.

@courtneylove ⬆️⬆️⬆️

@TeaganT it looks like frostbite to me. I have rhipsalis plants that i put outside for the summer but nz is always cold so they got frostbite. I moved them back in and the new growth has no damage

@courtneylove Bugger, its always been in the same spot and have never had an issue before.. and tips on keeping her happy from here on?

@TeaganT it might not be that? But that would be my best guess. Just keep an eye on the new growth, they don’t like a lot of water as they store it all in their stems and may rot. If it keeps happening try and move her inside. From what I’ve seen they prefer indoors. Also even if it has been in the same spot one cold night or cold spell can cause frostbite it happens quickly.

@courtneylove i will, hopefully will recover ok.. unfortunately i can't bring anything inside, my inside i get basically zero sunlight 😔

@TeaganT keep us updated! Zz’s work well with low light too so don’t worry about that 😊
Mid Spring 2019

Gift from my mumma 😍 #zanzibar-gem #zanzibar #zamioculcas-zamiifolia #zamioculcas #plantgiftsarethebestgifts
@courtneylove update on my ZZ.. have moved the the very back with shade from other plants in front, as well as reducing watering (again) and from the bottom.. has since shot out this new growth and some at the back.. yay!