Dendrobium Orchid
Late Autumn 2020
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Late Autumn 2020
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Late Autumn 2020
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Late Autumn 2020
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Late Autumn 2020
Late Autumn 2020

The planting medium is coy shredded fine, the roots are jist popped on top. I hope this works

Good luck 🤞

Thanks @pelly doing the experiments with advice from the taggers

You may find they do better in a fine bark or medium bark with a small.amount of sphagnum moss. Coy can be suffocating and to wet. Although it is used in by big nuserys to intensivly grow them.

That's great advice, I have defrosted the moss @lydiastirling will find some sterile bark too

Avoid the the westmoorland brand bark its awful if full of peat which you don't want. Orchid focus the green one is good or have a look.on the burnham nursery website. They also have good growing guides for orchids they are a specialist orchid nursery

Thanks so much @lydiastirling I avoid all mass produced as totally not ethical. Peat, and non organic chemicals, including pesticides and Glyphosate products that are insidious in our growing mediums

Best bet would be burnham nursery then. They have a very good choise of orchids to 😁 writhlington school orchid project also have a very good store for orchids. Many are cool growing. There bark is very good but it is large. They grow everything in.

Brilliant link to ethical nursery @lydiastirling we all can support the changes. Super School project. Growing gardeners!

Mine died loved it
Late Autumn 2020

On great advice @misternatureboy I have been brave a cutt up the sections like bamboo rings. Propagation in progress

Mine just pop off the momma plant. Very interesting. Good luck can't wait to see the results. ☺

Very exciting! Don't fuck it up, ha ha.

Did you say pop or chop @misternatureboy... Am eating more pie now, learning more about the different orchid growing conditions

Like almost fall off? @txgardener

Way to put some pressure on somebody @misternatureboy 😉😉

You're welcome! I would've waited for the little plants to grow a few leaves, but let's see how yours do. HAIL SCIENCE!

It's fine I have pie @txgardener so forget the chips, we'll all meet in Stoneywood somewhere

Mine take some wingle wingling but they pop off!

Oh am much handier with the hori Hori @txgardener my busted hands are no very wiggly

Must get zoomed in more @misternatureboy each one does have 2 leafs at least

Some nice plump roots on these babies they should thrive 👍
Late Autumn 2020

This is the orchid rescue, these are the roots and new growing medium. Not moss as all frozen

I'm actually doing something mad, I bought 5 types of mushroom s and will Bury them under the soil 10 cms and wait to see if any sprout some lol.

That's brilliant as the frosts won't get the mushrooms @jamescallifer did you get the plants in the ground too?

Oh they look interesting 🤔

Experimenting with taggers advice @richard.spicer.7906

Yes the plants have been in since the day I got them

This is my brain forgotten @jamescallifer am glad. Cheers
Macro zoomiez in on the baby orchid, all fingers crossed
It looks really healthy Aly 🤞
Hopefully all fingers crossed @churchfarmgarden