Lilium (Asiatic)
Lily (Asiatic)
Early Summer 2021
- 16
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Early Summer 2018
- 7

Lilium (Asiatic)
Early Summer 2021
Early Summer 2019

This guy decided to bloom his head off this season!! I counted 32 blooms open! 🤗😁🤗 #lilies #asiaticlily #cancun #asiaticlilycancun #lovelylilies #lovelylily

@tinaaune these are gorgeous

🤯 incredible!🤯💘😍
Holy Cow its been a while since I've posted, the spring has gone by in a whirlwind and I'm still so far behind, will be catching u up on photos the next few days #cancunasiaticlily #asiaticlily #asiaticlilycancun
Welcome back @tinaaune
These are gorgeous Tina!💘😍
Thanks Lou Ann @mn-5a 😁
Hi SHELLEY 🤗 thanks these are one of my faves @ShelleySnyder
Welcome! How you been?💘😍
Good, but I think I'm to the point where life has gotten too busy to enjoy it and thinking about making some changes... hope everything is well with u, you're flowers and yard are as beautiful as always😍 @ShelleySnyder
I'm good! Oh wow, big changes?💘😍
Work changes, had to take a job in pharmacy and right now is it's totally consuming me, hope to go back to fulltime floral and garden soon, I'll be so much happier @ShelleySnyder
Hope you do too! I'm sure you'll be happier!💘😍
Welcome back Tina. Missed your lovely posts. Beautiful lilies. Hope you get things sorted and life slows down for you. 💛💗
Thank you Diane @hkyfvr 🤗 one thing I'm going yo do though is bombard u all with pics😆