Portulaca oleracea
Mid Spring 2022
- 3
Mid Summer 2021
- 2
Mid Summer 2021
- 3
Mid Summer 2020
- 1
Mid Summer 2020
- 1

Portulaca oleracea
Mid Spring 2022
Mid Summer 2021

I do not think I would go a season without this plant now after using it a few seasons and seeing it's drought capability and constant bloom pattern and also a bee anD butterfly magnet #hybridpurslane I use this in a hanging basket that in a very hot sunny spot and doesn't mind seeing any water for days and days

Really like these. So lovely. 😍
Mid Summer 2021

Here's the magenta one #portulacahybrid #colorblastdoublemagentaportulaca

Super neat! Is this in a real tree trunk? And it's a type of succulent?

This is a hollow log planter and yes not your typical succulent houseplant but it is a succulent nonetheless @jmlincoln
Mid Summer 2020

Just love how tough this #colorblastdoublemagentaportulaca is and how much it flowers #purslane #portacahybrid #cupheavermillionaire #cuphea #vermillionairecuphea
Mid Summer 2020

#calibrachoablueberryscone #portulacahybrid #colorblastdoublemagentaportulaca
This is another of the #hybridpurslane #portulacaoleracea #colorblastseries called #mangomojito, if you're looking for an easy tough drought tolerant plant for spillers in containers or #groundcover this is your plant available in many color combos #purslane
Are these edible?
Yes @Susanandsteve but not recommended if not grown by you from start to finish, ornamental commercially grown are often sprayed/sprinkled with God knows what, I've seen no info on taste compared to the species