Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'
Japanese Maple 'Orange Dream'
Mid Spring 2017
- 15
Early Spring 2017
- 6
Early Spring 2017
- 2
Late Winter 2017
- 7
Late Spring 2016
- 9

Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'
Mid Spring 2017
Early Spring 2017
Early Spring 2017
Late Winter 2017

Morning, #newlife from my acer, happy gardening everyone 🙂

Good morning Franca! I think I have one of these somewhere! All mine are doing great impressions of sticks at the moment! 😀

Morning Franca my Acer's are starting to come to life too 😊👍

😂 sure it'll burst into life soon Ian

Nice to see isn't it @daisy-jane 👏

It fantastic Franca love everything starting to wake up 🤗👍

#Acer #orangedream #japanesemaple
Late Spring 2016

Bought this for £5 nearly 2 years ago but of course no label if someone recognises that would be great #identify will post leaf close up

Definately acer

Definitely an Acer


My fault @juliesgarden @karyn @Pebs74 meant to ask for variety of acers - thanks for ur quick replies GT'ers 👍 rushing in the morning is not good clearly 😂

Hmmm could be Acer palmate 'Sango-kaku'

Palmatum I meant

Or Acer Maple

#Acer #foliage
@icedance @keely @mellybobs I looked at stem again and noticed this black ring with this white speckled area , does it mean anything 🤔 pls tag anyone you feel may know #acer #problem #identify 😟
Sorry Franca that new to me hope Sam will know she has great knowledge of plants not something I've read 😃
Hi Franca which branch are the dying leaves attached to ? It could be one of many things but one step at a time to diagnosis 👨⚕️ what potting medium is it in ? How old ? And how long in the pot ? X
Is that pale area a long snag? Acers do tend to get a bit of dieback and if you leave snags they can cause disease to spread into the living wood. I think I'd be removing the whole branch to make sure no diseased wood remains, and maybe spray with an anti-fungal (I use garlic wonder as an anti-fungal and it works well)
@mikethegardener are you able to help on this matter? 🤔
@icedance the bad leaves are on the branch that ends with this white part and black ring. It's in ericaceous soil and been in a couple of years, this year is first its flowered . I've been too dressing with fresh acidic soil and then feeding in spring with ericaceous food
All good so far .. I would be cautious about cutting back all the way as the area does spread into the main stem .. we can rule a couple of things off the list if you can cut back half way and check within the stem .. if there is a dark brown ring within or black, or if you peel back the bark you have cut off are there any brown streaks ?
Thanks @icedance will try if it's light still when I get home, will let you know ....
Great post a pic 👍 and don't worry don't think this is the end of your orange dream 🙂
@titchyfra it sounds like it maybe verticillium wilt, leaves wilt and shoots and branches die back, google it 🤞🍁
Hello @acermad it does look consistent with verticillium wilt will know more if we can see inside the stem I also wonder about phytophera ?
Thanks @atomica I don't think it's a snag as I had looked at it before leaves came out for any damaged wood and didn't notice it then