Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'
Japanese Maple 'Orange Dream'
Mid Spring 2017
- 10
Late Summer 2016
- 12

Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'
Mid Spring 2017
Late Summer 2016

#identify please here's close up if it helps, thanks off to work now!

Looks like an acer

Yep I think it's an acer too 😊

Could be a Japanese Maple "full moon", looking at leaf shape and colour #envious

Certainly looks like an acer I have one very much like it

Thanks @fuzzymisfit I shall look at that one

Thanks for your quick replies @janric @juliesgarden @daisy-jane - I had meant to write if anyone recognised the variety, this is why I shouldn't do things on the morning ☺️

If you view my garden pics @titchyfra my acer is very much the same as yours and Nettle on gtags said it was called 'orange dream'

Def looks like Acer Orange dream 👍

Yep. Orange dream

Thanks @janric @lovemygarden65 @ashtonunderhillopengardens looking at pictures I think orange dream it is ! 👍

Wow orange dream I have this one in my garden 😍
Help please, should I be worried, I've seen one solitary branch with these droopy, crinkled up leaves. It only affects this 1 branch all the way along. The rest of the tree's leaves look normal. I've watered the last few days but no difference, so I really don't think it's that as all the leaves would look droopy but they don't. #advice please #problem #help
Is this branch catching the wind more Franca as maybe wind burn, I would keep it well watered during winds and maybe turn it or put somewhere its less likely to catch the wind if it is, but im no expert on acers its just What I read up on 😊
The wind has been particularly bad recently and coming from different angles, so possibly although this is the side nearer to the house wall so I thought more protected, but you never know, thank you @Keely for this. I'll keep watering as I have been.
Have you chased it down to the bottom of the stem to check for damage ? Also best not to water every day .. a good water once a week or even once every two is fine for these over watering can cause symptoms like this I wonder if this is the side you water on ? The problem with every day watering bid it can be light and not get down to the bottom, but I do wonder if it's sustained some damage low down Franca , wishing it well 😘
@titchyfra mine has the same it's wind but the wind was making it rub on the fence so I've moved it to a more sheltered spot. I'm sure it will be fine it may loose these leaves but don't panic they will quickly be replaced x
Couldn't see anything, no snags or tears. Sorry @icedance possibly my wording but I do give it a good soak rather than every day, with this dry weather I tried extra water over about 4 days ( i.e. Watered every other day) to see if any improvement in these leaves but no improvement so I'll stop and go back to how I was watering - if that makes sense. I do try to water all around the base albeit more the front left/ front right , 180 degrees mainly cause the house is in the way ☺️
Investigation continues then Franca it may just have caught some frostiness or harsh wind as Keely @keely. and Melanie @mellybobs. say 👍the rest looks healthy🙂 so a watch and wait approach 🙂 😘
Yes, 🕵🏻♀️presumably if it is wind, will leaves then drop or go crispy @icedance I guess I wonder how long I wait and watch to decide 🤔thanks for your help Sam, @keely @mellybobs
The leaves will crisp and drop the stem should still be ok but there might be some die back .. not to worry though you can nip that off to just above where it is still green .. that should instigate new growth then 🙂
Ok, thanks will keep my eyes 👀 @icedance 👍