Rheum x hybridum 'Timperley Early'
Rhubarb 'Timperley Early'
Early Spring 2017
- 14
Late Winter 2017
- 7
Mid Spring 2016
- 10

Rheum x hybridum 'Timperley Early'
Early Spring 2017
Late Winter 2017

Happy Friday, the #rhubarb is coming , really like the stem colour (not the weed in the background near the strawberry 😆) #GYO


Morning Franca! Looks like it's shooting for the stars! 😀

Morning Franca 👏👏👏

Afternoon Franca Wow they are looking good 😍 rhubarb & ginger my favourite combo 😋

And mine @janric

Feel the rhubarb and orange marmalade happening soon ... yummy 😋
Mid Spring 2016

Planted last spring, when can I pick them? do leaves need to get a bit taller still? #crumble 😋

My favourite 🍴

#rhubarb_WhenToPick @angipangi

It will grow taller yet I would give it another week. Water if it's been dry.

Thank you @joanboston

My rhubarb have a stem that had like a seed head I've taken it off but very strange ...the rhubarb was relocated this year guess it wasn't happy being moved.

@Juniperberry it sounds like it was a rhubarb flower and you did the right thing cutting it off. It Could have been caused by the stress as they don't like being moved but mine hasn't moved and it threw up a flower last year. Yours is growing so 👍

Thank you ...will keep an eye on the rest. I have five .. Love rhubarb X

@Juniperberry wow you clearly do- lots of yummy crumble or jam etc😋

Roasted rhubarb and custard yum xx
Evening, first pickings this year 😀 #rhubarb #gyo
Oooo rhubarb!!! i didn't know there was a type that was this early.... 💗
One of my faves @Jasonsparkes1 😋
Don't know if you saw the name but it's Timperley early, guess it depends on region you live in too. You can also force it too for earlier rhubarb but i haven't done that @joolzd1970
Oh lucky Lin😋😋😋 @linfoster
Added it to my wishlist 😊
Yum 👅🙂
Yum! Love rhubarb! ❤️ is it easy to grow Franca?
My kind of growing @rachelbrooks just plant it, don't pick it in it's first year and that's it really! I mulch it end October time with compost to protect crowns over winter and that's it!
Love it, but only with lashings of custard 😋
I just learned that, thank you! @titchyfra #information
Yum! 🖒😁