Freesia laxa syn. Anomatheca laxa, Anomatheca cruenta, Lapeirouisa cruenta, Lapeirousia laxa
Freesia (Species) False Freesia
Early Spring 2021
- 5
Late Winter 2021
- 8
Late Winter 2021
- 6

Freesia laxa syn. Anomatheca laxa, Anomatheca cruenta, Lapeirouisa cruenta, Lapeirousia laxa
Early Spring 2021
Late Winter 2021

How do you know if you've got a species plant?

@lesliecole49 not sure @richard.spicer.7906 helped me with the id

If the plant looks exactly the same as it grows in the wild (same form, some colour, etc...) then it’s the species and not a distinct variety. This plant doesn’t have many other forms (there’s a couple of white ones with differing markings) but the species the same as this one ☝🏼 @lesliecole49 @treefrog44

Like, echinacea purpurea would be a species, or, iris germanica? Would they not normally have a name then, as in say, double scoop cranberry or, forever susan? @richard.spicer.7906 how do you know if you've got a species plant? I have some irises that I was told were "original" but she had no other info on them. I know she paid big money for her irises from a grower. I know you cant tell me they're species, I'm just using them as an example

I think it depends on the genus your looking at. For Bearded Iris (Iris x germanica) - this is probably a bad example as it’s an interspecific hybrid. It’s a result of two other species of Iris that have been crossed to produce a man made hybrid, and then heavily bred further to produce lots of cultivated variations (‘cultivars’). Its extremely unlikely you will have a species as most bearded Iris are offspring of other ‘cultivated’ forms @lesliecole49

Echinacea purpurea is available to buy as a straight species (and you can even buy seed), but it’s also widely available in other forms that were created ‘in cultivation’ - hence double scoop cranberry is only found in cultivation in gardens, whereas the straight species echinacea purpurea will be find in gardens but also in the wild @lesliecole49

Right, kind of like I was thinking, I just threw those two plants out there because they're the first names that popped into my head! But I understand both answers, thanks Rich @richard.spicer.7906

No probs 😊👍🏼 @lesliecole49
Late Winter 2021

#freesia #freesia-laxa


Beautiful 🤩 - Could these be #freesia-laxa instead?

@richard.spicer.7906 I think you may be right! I asked a few people for an ID last year ( people at the plant nursery had no clue)

@richard.spicer.7906 thanks for helping get the right ID 😉

Yay! 🤗 you’re welcome!
#falsefreesia some seed pods have ripened 😁 now to see how well they grow from seed! #seedcollecting #seedsaving
That's exciting🌱
Very easily! They pop up everywhere for me 😆
@richard.spicer.7906 we don't have very many cold days during winter, I read they need a cold damp period to sprout 🤔 So I will have to store them in the fridge I think
Oh that’s interesting- prob why they do well here! Fridge should work then 😊🤞🏼