Ficus benjamina
Late Autumn 2018
Late Autumn 2018

Hi all I've had this tree I'd on another site as Ficus Benjamina . I'm going with that for now ..interested to hear any opinions #plantid

need close up of leaves to id

@truly @moore.794 Not sure, either as "benjamima" has a thicker, weeping growth. Ficus are sold as "indoor pot plant" which is somewhat correct for southern states or cold climates. I tenderly nursed a potted ficus from Sydney to Sunshine Coast and within 3 years of planting in the ground had to pay $2000 to have it removed as I planted the dear little thing close to the house and it was lifting path and damaging guttering.

I know all the research I've done online says a small tree . This one is huge ! My gut feeling it is something else..but everything points at ficus Benjamina 🤔 @Annettenoosa @moore.794

50 to 100ft tall 50 to 60 wide. in tropical climates very bigtree
Leaves @moore.794
looks like a ficus benjamina to me. didn't know they got that big
@moore.794 @truly in the right conditions benjamina will grow 30 metres. Weeping fig Benjamina is usually thick with leaves which it will drop when under stress, lack of light if crowded by other trees or drought conditions. Probably with the constant rain of the last six months it will start a more lush growth. Give it a wide berth of any irrigation pipes.
Oh for sure @Annettenoosa this is around 30 mtrs it's in a good spot on our property . Way down the hill 😁 It is actually one of my favourite trees on the block 😁