Colocasia esculenta syn. Colocasia antiquorum
Elephant Ear (Colocasia)
Early Autumn 2020
- 9
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 6
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 4

Colocasia esculenta syn. Colocasia antiquorum
Early Autumn 2020
Late Spring 2019

This #elephantear started from one bulb. It's on its second year & I've "killed" it every fall (I forget to bring it in before first frost; MD can be tricky) & it's still getting ginormous! #urbangarden #containergarden #urbanpatio #urbanforest #containergardening #urbangardening

Aren't they incredible? From one bulb mine has grown so large in two years it's warping the 20" pot I put it in. If I can dig a bug enough hole, I'm planting it this year.

My sister lives in Port Republic, MD

Wait. This is one bulb?? Is it the size of a basketball?

@KariSamuel no! The 1 bulb I bought was the size of a softball!
Late Spring 2018

I can't believe this guy came from one bulb! I thought i killed him last year when i didn't bring him in early enough & he got caught in a freeze snap. I guess the bulb didn't die! Never give up on a plant! #urbangarden #urbangardening #containergarden #containergardening #elephantear
Late Spring 2018

My elephant ear has split!
Early Summer 2017

I've been MIA for a bit. I had to go home to Phoenix to help my mom with her surgery. Came home to a lovely elephant ear with 3 leaves now!

Place your pot in a saucer to keep evenly wet. Will not get leaf damage from under watering. EE can be grown in a pond with up to 8 inches of water. Large bulbs will rot if just.placed in water but do best with saucer full. I use a saucer because i bring in for winter and keep with occasional water will lose leaves if not enough lite

Love colocasia 👌

I 🙏 your mother is doing good now. It is nice you were able to help her. ❤

@lovestogarden she's doing much better. She had to get surgery on her rotator cuff. Thank you for asking!

Both my prarents had that. Make sure she does her PT. It makes everything better. ❤
Late Spring 2017

One elephant ear leaf down, several more to go! #urbangardening #elephantear #green
Mid Spring 2017

So, this is cool. My first elephant ear leaf is about to open! I'm sure it'll take a couple more weeks but this is exciting for me!

I think it will be quicker than that hehe. I give it 2 days.

@christeentranchina I hope so! It's taken forever to get to this point! Lol

Waiting for them as well as caladium seems to take a while. But, once the breakthrough the ground it goes fast!!!
I think I messed up! I repotted my elephant ear & I don't think it liked it 😭
I'll bet it'll come around
Give him some time to sort himself out. If not maybe put him back
@heatherdirtyhands @lesliecole49 ya, I think I'm gonna lose the leaves but won't lose the bulbs. We'll see. I didn't realize he was so root bound so I cut off a bit too many roots from the root ball
Oh well that explains it...hell be fine just give him time before u chop him all off. Hes just a bit droopy from the change thats all. He should perk up soon honestly. Especially if he isnt in less light.
Also do u live in a place that he has to come in in the winter or does he stay outside all the time
@heatherdirtyhands I have to bring him in in the winter. It gets too cold. He won't totally die over winter but I like the fullness of keeping him in
My comment disappeared! Belindah, Elephant ears drop leaves all the time. At the same time, it should be growing new ones. I have 3 pots and there are always a couple dead leaves hanging down. I have pulled the corn like a dahlia tuber during the winters but this year I think I'll tuck it in a corner of my garage and mulch the pot. The corm is about as big as its pot so next year its going in the ground! @heatherdirtyhands
Colocasia like wet roots. Put a pan under the pot.