Solanum tuberosum
Late Summer 2022
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Late Summer 2020
- 2
Early Summer 2020
- 6
Early Summer 2019
- 5
Late Winter 2019
- 10
Late Winter 2019
- 5

Solanum tuberosum
Late Summer 2022
Early Summer 2020

#potato #harvest mystery revealed @ublaszko @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @sharonhayden

Yum yum 😋 👍🏼 enjoy

Amazing! My crop last year was 5 potatoes 🙈😂😂

Wow 😮

Wow so not tomatoes- they’re very early - what a wonderful crop 👌🏻

Early Summer 2019

Finally I managed to get them growing #potato #kestrel @ublaszko

Good luck! 😊👍 Mine have gone out of control and are about to flower. 😍 I actually dug a hole to one side and touched a couple of potatoes to see how they are. I could feel a mix of small and large potatoes 😆😆 I think I might harvest them soon because I'm worried about potato blight.

Cheers, Urszula. Hope you harvest them soon. I got late in buying this. With this I can lift the inner container to see the growth and can also pick the grown ones without touching and feeling effect 😜 Let me see how it goes @ublaszko

That's very clever 😆😆 Fingers crossed we both avoid potato blight 😊👍 I can wait to see what my first potatoes look like! I'm also growing Romano pepper plants. Did you sow your carrots?

Yes, let's hope so... Saw your Romano pepper, nice one 👌 Not sown carrots, did you sow them? By the way, my tomato plants have flowered nicely 😊
Late Winter 2019

Got up to Wilko... good result at the end @ublaszko #potato #kestrel #planter

Got good news and bad news for you 😅😅 You got tasty spuds but that bag is going to be too small for them 😰 I was going to get the same bag but I was told the bag needs to be at least 50cm tall 😰 Wilko have a plasticky bag right next to it called tomato/potato grow bag. Doesn't look nice at all but it's the right size.

I will need to get new seed potatoes now I think because I kept mine in storage and they have gone all wrinkly with white sprouts. Only read yesterday you're supposed to chit them instead, especially if you get them before it's time to plant out. So start chitting yours straight away 👍👍

Good news is good 😊 I can use the planter for something else... Maybe carrots or savoy Cabbage (?) I did see the plasticky bag 😂 which I didn't like and hence didn't buy 😂

😁😁 That's why I'm still looking for a potato grow bag. I've started to look for ideas how to disguise the plasticky bag, maybe I'll one of those hessian bags used to deliver bareroot trees 😅 You could use the bag you just bought for carrots. 👍

Perfect 👍 I will use them for carrots then... @ublaszko

found these @ublaszko see what you below

I was thinking I might get a long-life shopping bag from M&S as they have picture printed on them and I will just to need to make a few holes for drainage. The bags in the eBay link should work we too 👍👍

Good idea @ublaszko 👍 I will let you know if I buy the ebay bags 😊
Late Winter 2019

All type of potatoes except the one I am looking for 😊

Which type of potato are you after? 😊

Kestrel @ublaszko

👍👍 You could try Wilja which seems to be a similar kind of potato. Do you have Wilko near you? They have both varieties. Poundshop also has Wilja.

Oh OK, thank you @ublaszko I will try Wilko, not near but will go there some time this weekend 😊
#garden #vegetable #potato #root #potatoes