Prune viburnum bodnantense Dawn in the spring after is has flowered the growing season is weird this year so the new growth (which shouldn't have happened so late in the year) has probably got frosted where it was to tender hence its die back @Vickster85
A good rule of thumb if it flowers in spring it flowers on last year's growth so prune after flowering if it flowers summer autumn winter it flowers on this year's growth so don't prune the new growth off of this is for shrubs and probably exceptions to the rule @Vickster85
This is a steamed plant with new buds recently grown and dying off. Any ideas what it is and does it need cutting back? #stems #unidentifiedplant
I have this! @rachelbrooks tells me is #vibernum 😃
Prune viburnum bodnantense Dawn in the spring after is has flowered the growing season is weird this year so the new growth (which shouldn't have happened so late in the year) has probably got frosted where it was to tender hence its die back @Vickster85
Thank you @carolgs and @hayleyaj it is nice to see some winter colour, and good to know when to cut it back. Learning all the time so thank you
A good rule of thumb if it flowers in spring it flowers on last year's growth so prune after flowering if it flowers summer autumn winter it flowers on this year's growth so don't prune the new growth off of this is for shrubs and probably exceptions to the rule @Vickster85
useful #advice , thank you! @carolgs 😃