Mid Summer 2016
Early Summer 2016

What is this disease and how do I cure it? Any help would be gratefully received. 😟

Looks like black spot @yodamama. You can buy a spray and cut off any infected leaves and any that have dropped onto the ground and you are supposed to burn them otherwise the spores of the disease get into the ground. I have tried all this and still get it on a couple of my roses...I think particularly the older variety are susceptible to black spot. The other option is to dig it up completely... I can't bring myself to do this when they flower so I just pick the leaves up!

Thank you for the advice @rachelbrooks I will probably do the same as you, because I won't be able to bring myself to pull it up.😀

I have two roses with the same black spot problem @yodamama so think I shall replace my ones as they are pretty bad 😳

@helenhourston before you pull them up, take the leafed off, and the flowers and then cut them right back. The spray them. I've done that and mine looks okay. 👍🏻

Thank you for the heads up @yodamama I shall try that ... give them another chance 🤕
Remember this from a few weeks ago @rachelbrooks Thank you for the advice. I stripped the leaves and cut it right back and now it's thriving and free of black spot. I hope you have yours a second chance @helenhourston 👍🏻😀
That's brill! 👍🏼👍🏼 @yodamama great job 👌🏼🌿🍃Remember though, it's likely to return so if you haven't already got some - get some of the black spot spray and as soon as you see any sign-zap it! 😊
I will try this also @yodamama ... thank you 😊