Early Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2017

#plantid how can I tell what kind of rose this is? 🌹 also looking for help identifying what's causing the spotting on the leaves

That looks like black spot, you can get spray on treatments for it from your Garden Centre 😊 Not sure on the species of rose though xx

Looks like rust on the lower leaves

Thanks @faerie and @anne8691

Rust or black spot are treated the easiest way I find if you start spraying preventatively before the leaves are unfolding in spring, because the darn thing I heard survives in soil and compost and transfers with rain, too
Early Summer 2017

How can I find out which variety this is?

You could contact the Rose Society or a National Plant Collection held through Plant Heritage. They may ask you to take a sample to them. Alternatively if you have a good rose grower near you you could go and speak to them. It's not easy to identify roses from a photo unless there are very specific characteristics. Hope this helps 💜

Thanks @cosmicveggie
What's gone wrong with my rose? Subsequent blooms looked better
Don’t panic! It’s just finishing blooming. Cut off the stem that it is on at a leaf joint. It’s the natural process. Good luck with your garden