Albizia julibrissin 'Summer Chocolate'
Silk Tree 'Summer Chocolate'
Albizia can be deciduous trees, shrubs or climbers. They have attractive bipinnate leaves with small leaflets, and flower-heads that consist of many small flowers with prominent stamens.In cooler climes it is best grown in a conservatory or greenhouse, or in a large pot that can be moved indoors in Winter. The shedding of the flowers cause problems, so don't have one close to eating areas. Don't plant close to home, sidewalk or driveways due to roots spreading and causing damage. 'Summer Chocolate' is a deciduous large shrub or small tree. It has a domed crown, and mature leaves are burgundy coloured, and somewhat fern-like. The silky pink-cream flowers contrast with the dark leaves, and are attractive to birds and butterflies.The flowers are followed by flat seedpods which stay on the tree into the Winter.
Contributed by @justin
Full sun
Very little water
Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)
Free draining
Common name
Silk Tree 'Summer Chocolate'
Latin name
Albizia julibrissin 'Summer Chocolate'
5.0 - 8.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Albizia julibrissin 'Summer Chocolate'
Albizia can be deciduous trees, shrubs or climbers. They have attractive bipinnate leaves with small leaflets, and flower-heads that consist of many small flowers with prominent stamens.In cooler climes it is best grown in a conservatory or greenhouse, or in a large pot that can be moved indoors in Winter. The shedding of the flowers cause problems, so don't have one close to eating areas. Don't plant close to home, sidewalk or driveways due to roots spreading and causing damage. 'Summer Chocolate' is a deciduous large shrub or small tree. It has a domed crown, and mature leaves are burgundy coloured, and somewhat fern-like. The silky pink-cream flowers contrast with the dark leaves, and are attractive to birds and butterflies.The flowers are followed by flat seedpods which stay on the tree into the Winter.
Planting Outdoors
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
Plant container grow plants out in spring in full sun.
Propagation by cuttings
From Late Summer TO Mid Autumn
Semi hard wood cuttings are taken from the current years growth from late summer to mid autumn the bottom of the cuttings is hard and soft on the top. With a sharp knife take a cutting of about 14cms, remove lowest leaves, dip end into rooting hormone, and place round the edge of a pot filled with a suitable compost, water well, they must remain moist till rooted, place under glass but in semi shade.
Propagation by seed
From Late Summer TO Mid Autumn
Seeds can be collected from the pods that form after flowers have died. The seed will have to be soaked in hot water so that the seed case softens when they have cooled off plant in pots deep enough to allow the main root is not hurt when transplanting.
From Early Summer TO Late Summer
The silk tree flowers appear in Summer. The flowers are corymbs with prominent stamens that give them the silky look. They are followed by flat brown seed-pods