Clematis are a very popular climber with a large number a varieties (over 300). With its beauty of form, variety of colouring and generous display and varieties flowering in every season, they are revered as the 'Queen of Climbers'. All clematis fall into one of three groups and each variety listed in this encyclopedia will be given the appropriate group number. This relates to the pruning required to keep your clematis in tip-top condition. The different groups are explained under pruning tasks.
Full sun
Occasional watering
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Moist and free draining
Common name
Latin name
7.0 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Clematis are a very popular climber with a large number a varieties (over 300). With its beauty of form, variety of colouring and generous display and varieties flowering in every season, they are revered as the 'Queen of Climbers'. All clematis fall into one of three groups and each variety listed in this encyclopedia will be given the appropriate group number. This relates to the pruning required to keep your clematis in tip-top condition. The different groups are explained under pruning tasks.
Flowering Season
From Early Spring TO Late Autumn
Clematis come in a very wide of colours from pure white, through yellow, pink and reds shades to a deep purple, they can be a single colour and others have stripes. Depending on which you buy they can flower at many different times of the year. There are so many to choose from!
Planting out
From Mid Spring TO Early Autumn
Plant container grown plants in spring or autumn taking care to shade their roots
Propagation by cuttings
From Late Summer TO Mid Autumn
Semi hard wood cuttings are taken from the current years growth from late summer to mid autumn the bottom of the cuttings is hard and soft on the top. With a sharp knife take a cutting of about 14cms, remove lowest leaves, dip end into rooting hormone, and place round the edge of a pot filled with a suitable compost, water well, they must remain moist till rooted, place under glass but in semi shade.