Incarvillea Delavayi
Chinese Trumpet Flower
A clump forming plant that produces largish trumpet like pink flowers with darker pink veins and yellow throats on upright stalks. The leaves are a mid to dark green and fern like in appearance.
Contributed by @cnash
Full sun to partial shade
Very little water
Frost Hardy: 23F (-5°C)
Moist and free draining
Common name
Chinese Trumpet Flower
Latin name
Incarvillea Delavayi
Hardy Perennial
6.5 - 8.5 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Incarvillea Delavayi
A clump forming plant that produces largish trumpet like pink flowers with darker pink veins and yellow throats on upright stalks. The leaves are a mid to dark green and fern like in appearance.
Propagation by seed in autumn
From Early Autumn TO Mid Autumn
Sow seed into flowering position, but they will have to covered with glass, or in a cold frame where they are not covered.
Propagation by seed in spring
From Early Spring TO Late Spring
Sow seed into flowering position.
Planting Outdoors
From Mid Spring TO Late Spring
Plant out container grown plants into flowering position.Put into a reasonably sheltered site in full sun or partial shade that is moist but free draining or well draining. They can be grown in containers but should have feet under them to help with drainage.Care needs to be taken when they are dormant as the crowns can be quite easily damaged.
Flowering Season
From Early Summer TO Mid Summer
Trumpet like pink flowers with darker pink veins and yellow throats on upright stalks.