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No worries, I'm sure we can all help. Perhaps take a picture of the leaves and of the whole plant so we can get a better look - Camellias have slightly rounded glossy evergreen leaves. @sparkle
what flower is it ?
Hello Safina 👋 Thank you for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏
You can find other like-minded gardeners by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". There you will see other great photos of plants and gardens and you can of course “follow” anyone that you see there should you like to do so!
Should you ever need to reply to a message in your feed or just want to say 'hello', simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Really hope this is helpful and you enjoy using GT! 😃
tried looking at other flowers I think I found it not sure
Is it a Camellia perhaps?
hi not sure I'v not long moved into this house and seen it few days ago it's very pretty whatever it is .
I'm still new to gardening but I'm very much enjoying it .
No worries, I'm sure we can all help. Perhaps take a picture of the leaves and of the whole plant so we can get a better look - Camellias have slightly rounded glossy evergreen leaves. @sparkle
mmmm it could be then
I'v added another pic of it on my profile .